Training and Development


For the Unit III Essay, imagine you are the lead trainer for a global organization. Through data analytics and observations, you have noticed that employees across the organization do not share their knowledge with one another, whether that be from skills trainings they recently completed to general knowledge that could enhance the capabilities of the organization. This is a big issue for the chief executive officer (CEO), and the head of human resources (HR) has asked you to come up with solutions to address the issue. Within your essay, provide the information below.

  • Give three reasons as to why employees do not share knowledge.
  • Give three solutions that your organization can incorporate to encourage knowledge sharing among employees.
  • Discuss the benefits that each solution offers and how each solution promotes knowledge sharing.

For this essay, create a fictitious company name and location, and make your suggestions specific to that company. In the introduction, give the company name and location and some brief background information about the company and industry. Feel free to choose any industry (e.g., technology, manufacturing, or advertising) that interests you, and add any details that you think are necessary for your essay.

Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation. All sources used, including required unit resources, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

Ethical Issues in Business


MGT312T Week. 2 Apply Self-Assessment Reflection


Access Connect through the McGraw-Hill Connect® Access link at the top of this course.

Review your results from the Week 1 and Week 2 Self-Assessments:

  • Self-Assessment: Assessing My Perspective on Ethics
  • Self-Assessment: What is My Big Five Personality      Profile?
  • Self-Assessment: Assessing an Organization’s Diversity      Climate

Consider how the information you’ve gathered can be used to solve a problem, work on a team, and function within a business environment. 

Determine how you can use your findings to get along with co-workers that may have different assessment results. 

Evaluate how you would handle stressful situations, manage change, and stay motivated. 

Human Resource Management


Explain how you would conduct a job analysis in a company that has never had job descriptions. Utilize the O*Net as a resource for your information.

Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format.  You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer. You must also have a minimum of two intext citation of your sources. This is very important.

Students are required to post their primary response (200 word minimum) by Monday midnight. Students will respond to 1 other posting (150 words minimum each) by Monday midnight..



Choose One Question and Complete a 1.5 Page Essay

1. Pick two literary periods that we have studied this semester; they may be British or American or both. Describe characteristics of these periods. Then choose at least two authors from each period and demonstrate how their works reflect these characteristics. Give specific examples from the authors’ texts.

2. For many years, the literary canon was made up of mostly male writers. However, more and
more female writers are making up the canon, and they are being treated seriously by critics.
Examine how women are portrayed in literature. You may look at works by either male or female
writers. There is no one answer to this question. Look at various works to see how women are
portrayed. Be sure to offer specific examples from a variety of texts to support your ideas.

3. Nature is an important topic in literature for many British and American writers. Chose at least
two writers and explain how they treat nature in their works. What are the similarities? What are
the differences? Offer an explanation for these similarities and differences.

4. For this particular essay prompt you are expected to reflect on the role that imagination plays in the works of at least two authors from the course. How does imagination impact the ways in which the author of the work, or the protagonist within the work, sees the world around them? How does this reflect their inner-state of being? Is this a calm or tumultuous state? Ultimately, what does this reflection say about the particular work and the underlying themes that it represents?

5.  The idea of independence or self-worth is a theme that runs through much of literature. Take at least two authors
from our anthology (or assigned readings) and compare and contrast their views of independence and self-worth. What
values or limitations are there in that independence/self-worth?


2 responses

classmate 1

Discussion 5

I believe customers are essential to keep businesses open. Customers are the driving force of organizations. I remember the old saying that business adopted, “the customer is always right.” This statement alone is one that would promote customer service to organizations. It is imperative for businesses to take into consideration customers’ input regarding their experience with the business and or employees. Customer service can be defined as the customer approval of their experience and satisfaction (Gegeckaite, 2011).  It is important for organizations to develop a strategic plan to envision how they will address issues as they arise and to envision how to improve customer satisfaction while maintaining job productivity from employees. Having a plan ahead of time can resort to being prepared, rather than being set back. As I previously mentioned, customers are essential. Customers are the reason as to how some businesses are still operating today. Without the customer where would businesses be today, is a question to ponder on.

One strategy to consider when working to improve external customer service is conducting an evaluation of the organization (Gegeckaite, 2011). Evaluating the organization can inform leaders of where the business stands overall. Additionally, businesses need to develop a strategic plan for their organization to improve external customer service. Strategic planning can be defined as a “set of concepts, procedures, and tools designed to help executives, managers, and others to think, act, and learn  strategically on behalf of their organizations and their organization’s stakeholders (Bryson, 2011).” Once the strategic plan is developed, as a leader, it will be important to communicate the strategic plan to employees. This step is significant as the employees need to ensure that they are on the same page, and all have the same information to present to customers. Additionally, it is imperative as leaders to remain abreast of their competition with other organizations. It is important for organizations to be mindful of what they bring to the table as well as what their competitors offer. Running specials to save customers money is a factor to consider. Customers love a sale or a deal. Customers love to feel as though they are getting a lot for their money. As can be seen, there are a variety of strategies that can be utilized to improve external customer service, however, it will be based upon the leader, as well as the mission and vision of the organization. If an organization is not customer-driven, then it may or may not take into consideration their customer feelings or experience.

Bryson, J. M. (2011). Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Gegeckaitė L. (2011). Factors of customer satisfaction on services. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 4-13. ISSN 2029-0365. [ (Links to an external site.)]

classmate 2

Discussion 5

Topic:  Discuss strategies for improving services for external customers in your organization.

            Strategic planning aids leaders in formulating strategies and plans to address issues within the organizations, including how to maximize profits by improving customer service. According to Bryson and Alston (2011), strategic planning is defined as a set of concepts, procedures, tools, and practices designed to help an organization’s (collaboration’s or community’s) leaders, managers, planners, staff, and other stakeholders to think, act, and learn strategically. Studies demonstrate that 70% has lost customers due to customer service (Eger & Micik, 2015).

          Effective communication is vital in any business. Eger and Micik (2015) explained that effective communication can result in increased sales, profit, and customer’s satisfaction within the organization. However, this can only be achieved through employees receiving adequate training. I work in a local mental health agency and I believe effective communication can definitely aid our business in maximizing its’ profits. I’ve always stated that there is a large gap between the needs of our consumers and upper management. I feel that if upper management would ask our (counselors that work directly with clients) views on how the business can be improved, we can inform them of our client’s desires and derive a solution on how the company can be lucrative while benefitting employees and increasing services for our consumers.

          An organization must have strategies formulated to assist in determining productive future, within the organization. “Strategy may be thought of as a pattern of purposes, policies, programs, projects, actions, decisions, or resource allocations that defines what an organization (or other entity) is, what it does, and why it does it” (Bryson & Alston, 2011). The development of an effective strategy can assist a company in ensuring long-term profits and the maximum growth of the company. This tactic is beneficial as it aids the business in sustaining growth, building a sturdy financial foundation, and preparing for challenges that may lie ahead. However, in order to secure this success a strategic plan must be developed and implemented.

Bryson, J.M. & Alston, F.K. (2011). Creating your strategic plan: A workbook for 

          public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Eger, L., & Mičík, M. (2015). Improving the quality of customer service by using the technique

of mystery shopping. ACC Journal, 21(2), 65-76. doi:10.15240/tul/004/2015-2-006


In social work, advocacy is very important to promote social change. Letters are often used as an effective tool to bring attention to social justice issues. This assignment requires you to choose a social justice issue that is important to you, gather current research and data on the subject matter, and write a one page professional and formal letter to your elected local, state, or national representative responsible for your social justice matter you have identified.

Choose a social welfare problem that you believe is in need of change and write a letter to an elected local, state, or federal official regarding the issue you have chosen. You are not required to send the letter; however, it must be written in a professional, well organized, clear, and concise format.

Writing letters to public officials is a form of political advocacy for clients and social workers. For this Assignment, you will write an advocacy letter to public official about a problem and a policy. In addition, you will write a 1-2 page explanation of your letter. Your explanation will provide the rationale behind your chosen issue and the approach you took with the specific representative.

Assignment: In the same document, submit both Part I and II of the assignment (2-4 pages):

Part I: Letter to Representative

Your letter should include:

  • A description of the social welfare issue
  • An explanation of how you want the legislator to respond to the issue (vote, create legislation, hold public hearings, etc.) and why.
  • Support of your viewpoints with credible facts and research.

Part II: Explanation (1-2 pages, double-space, APA format)

For this part of the assignment, provide an explanation of:

  • Why you selected the issue
  • How the issue affects social work
  • The reason you chose the specific representative
  • The approach you took with the representative (consider the representative’s voting history, political affiliation, and any other factors you considered)



Strategic Management 

500 – 700 words 

Avoid plagiarism 


Due date 16/10 

Your answers (for the 4 questions) MUST include at least three scholarly peer-reviewed references,

Make sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced. 

Question 1: How does strategic management typically evolve in a corporation? 

Question 2: Discuss the influence of globalization, social responsibility and environmental sustainability on strategic management of a corporation.

Question 3: In what ways can a corporation’s structure and culture be internal strengths or weaknesses? Justify your answer by examples from real market. 

Question 4: When does a corporation need a board of directors? Justify your answer by an example from Saudi market.