
There are several different types of research designs. Each design is intended to respond to a particular type of research question. The type of research design depends on the type of research questions asked. For this Discussion, select one of the articles from the reading list and consider several classifications of group research designs.

Post your response to the following: Describe which groups are compared in the research. Then, classify the research design as follows:

  1. By explaining whether the study is pre-experimental (cross-sectional, one-shot case study, and longitudinal), experimental (control group with pretest and posttest, posttest only, or four-group design), or quasi-experimental (comparing one group to itself at different times or comparing two different groups)
  2. By indicating what the researchers report about limitations of the study
  3. By explaining concerns you have regarding internal validity and the ability of the study to draw conclusions about causality
  4. By explaining any concerns you have about the generalizability of the study (external validity) and what aspect of the research design might limit generalizability

Please use the resources to support your answer.

DQ 420 1

The story of the 1959 Knox Mine Disaster in Northeastern, PA represents a framework for understanding how labor unions, management, and other organizations had engaged in corrupt labor-management relations. Mining too close to the Susquehanna river bed caused the river bed to collapse. Billions of gallons of water flowed into the mines putting miners lives at risk. The disaster effectively ended the area’s anthracite coal industry. Over 7,500 jobs were lost because of the Knox Mine Disaster causing long-term economic challenges for the region.

Using the Internet, research information on the Knox Mine Disaster and discuss the following questions with your classmates:

  • What role did the union, management, and other organizations have in the Knox Mine Disaster?  
  • According to your research, what was the root cause of the disaster? What labor-relations laws or practices were ignored?
  • Could the disaster have been prevented? If so, how? What future labor laws were put in place that could prevent similar disasters from happening?

DQ 2

Many of the major US labor laws governing unions arose in the early 1930’s, however, unions existed well before this time. In fact, labor unions can trace their history, in some form, back to medieval craft guilds. Thus, organizing members of a profession to address issues within an industry has played a great role in the development of modern business practices. There is great value in studying the history of organized labor.

For this assignment, discuss the following with your classmates:

  • In your opinion, what were the major issues in labor-management relations in the US before 1930? What role did the industrial revolution play in labor-management relations during this time period?
  • How were these issues addressed differently in the US before modern employment laws were enacted
  • Historically, what role has the HR profession played in labor-management relations and the development of US employment laws?  Should that role change, if so how?

300 words each DQ please label each paragraph as DQ

Trait Profile

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a trait profile in which you describe a person that you would consider an ideal healthcare organization manager based on information found in your required reading and in the unit lesson. You will first describe the term leadership in your own words and the role it plays within healthcare management. Then, you will build your trait profile based on the trait theory of leadership. This assignment also provides you with an opportunity to consider several of the details associated with hiring someone to serve as the leader of your healthcare management team. Follow the instructions within the template, complete the profile, save your work to the template.
Ledlow, G. R., & Stephens, J. H. (2018). Leadership for health professionals: Theory, skills, and applications (3rd ed.).
See profile template attachment

Learning Activity: Creating a Severance Package


ompleting this activity will help you prepare for the upcoming  assignment in Week 7. Think of it as practice for the assignment. As  such, focus on content, not formatting. Your paper should be no more  than 1 to 2 pages in length.

For this activity:

  • Create a severance package for a separated employee in a fictitious company.        
    • At a minimum, include:          
      • Position differences.
      • Years of service.
      • Actual compensation amounts.
      • Any additional benefits that you want to add.
  • Determine whether severance pay is taxable.
  • Create a chart that depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation.        
    • Use Microsoft Word or an equivalent application, such as OpenOffice.

human resource management



This entire course you learned about organizational behavior and  psychology while applying these concepts to previous courses and areas  of HR. This final exam asks you to apply what you have learned in  totality. In a well-written, well-research paper, please answer the  following:

How does an understanding of psychology help the HR leader?

You should be specific in your paper, identifying specific HR  systems, best practices while also identifying specific areas of OB that  we have studied this term. Your paper should have citations and thus  reference the textbook and other articles you may have researched during  the term.

Wk 1, HCS 430: DR 2

 Must be a substantive response. Please further discussion.

APA format

175 word minimum

Must include at least 2 references

Respond to the following:


Lancelot James

2:18 PM

Regulation is essential to our health care industry because as physicians and patients engage with each other. Today, federal, state, and even local legislative bodies and regulatory agencies establish rules intended to protect the public, promote access to care, and ensure that medical professionals both adhere to high standards and receive the compensation that is their due.

Big Pharma has a major influence on healthcare laws and regulations because Lobbying allows special interest groups to control the way laws are shaped and how healthcare policies are both created and enforced.

Pharmaceutical companies are some of the richest, most profitable companies in the world. Besides using profits to advertise products and influence prescription-writing target markets, Pharma spends extraordinary amounts of money on patents to protect their profit margins. Some cancer treatments can cost 600 times more in the U.S. than in other countries — and this form of price gouging remains legal in the U.S.1 Unfortunately for consumers, the game is rigged in Pharma’s favor, as they buy this privilege by lobbying government representatives.

The pharmaceutical industry’s lobbying expenditures have been increasing every year and hit an all-time high of $273 million in 2009. Monies are used successfully to influence lawmakers and politicians and shape pending legislature.

Powell, L. (2016).  The Danger of Big Pharma. https://www.focusforhealth.org/big-pharma-silent-hold-us-government/

HR Programs

Review the attachment and write a 5-6 page paper in APA format with 6 references to address the following:

  1. Describe what is unique about SIA’s five elements of its successful HR practices.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of each element’s contribution toward SIA’s leadership in service excellence and cost effectiveness.
  3. Despite evidence that such practices help service firms achieve higher company performance, many organizations have not managed to execute them as effectively. Why do you think that is the case?
  4. Some of SIA’s HR practices would be illegal in the U.S. Is this fair competition, or are those HR practices encouraging a “race to the bottom” in terms of employee rights?

roles and configuration


The human resource department, including its roles and configuration, can vary widely from company to company. This variation can be a function of the size of the company, the industry of the company, and the strategic placement of human resources.

  • Considering this, please address the following prompts in your discussion on one page.
    • Is there a minimum level or configuration for the human resources department? How does this minimum level vary based on the size of the organization and industry?
    • After acknowledging this minimum level, is the organization missing out on benefits that could be had with a larger or more active department? Is there a point of diminishing returns?
    • Define what you think it means for an organization to manage its human resources.
    • How does effective human resource management contribute to a company’s success? 

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.



Discussion 12: Organizational Culture

Soloaga (2019) mentioned Schein (1990), defined organizational culture as a set of behavioral habits generated by the people who make up a company. Therefore, the employees, leaders, supervisors, stakeholders, and CEOs make up the organization.  Organizational culture is collective (Andrianu, 2020). It is important to assess how one feels, how one thinks, and how one behaves. Behaviors are actions in which one displays. Attitudes and values are also important to consider within the organizational culture. As we know, values and beliefs are what makes up an individual. It is vital for the attitudes, values, and beliefs to align with organizational beliefs, mission, and vision. If the values, attitude, and beliefs do not align with the organization’s beliefs, mission, and vision, then it is quite obvious that the organization may not be a good fit for the individual. It is important to conduct research and be aware of the organizational culture before applying to work for an organization. Working for an organization in which you do not believe in will not benefit the organization nor the self.

It is important to understand organizational culture as it can teach you what the organization stands for and represents. I have a private practice counseling agency named Gracefully Purposed Counseling & Consulting, LLC. When I shared this name with one of my supervisors, she was hesitant to like the name because she felt that others would associate it with Christianity. I can understand how she came to that conclusion, however, that is not all the organization represents. The organization represents wholeness, healing, transformation, etc. My attitude, values, and beliefs assisted in shaping my organizational culture. It is who I am, and I am who my business represents.

It is imperative to note that without proper research of an organization and what they stand for can hinder job performance if hired. Therefore, as we can see, it is essential to learn about the organization in which one prospectively wants to work for or already work for. Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that individuals do change overtimes, as well as organizations. So sometimes it is beneficial to review and assesses one’s values, beliefs, and attitude to ensure they still align with the organizations.

ANDRIANU, A.-B. (2020). Resilient organizational culture: Cluj-Napoca case study. Eastern Journal of European Studies11(1), 335–357.

Díaz-Soloaga, P. (2019). The role of communication in organizational culture. Is there a pattern in Spanish fashion companies? El Profesional de La Información28(5), 1–10. https://doi-org.ezproxylocal.library.nova.edu/10.3145/epi.2019.sep.06


Discussion Post 12

Topic: Why is it important to understand the organizational culture?

            Organizational culture is significant in that it influences the longevity and success of the business. Organizational culture is defined as shared values, beliefs, or perceptions held by employees within the organizational unit (Taylor et al., 2018). As a leader, it is vital to define the culture of the organization. In doing so, it creates good working relationships and promotes ethical communication amongst employees (Kumar, 2016). Collaboration is a vital component that assists in the, overall, betterment of the organization. This element motivates employees succeeding together. “Organizational Culture factor are important to establish a strong working environment, a better human relation which motivates employees to perform duties and put their maximum output towards achievement of organizational goal along with their personal objective”, (Kumar, 2016). Taylor et al. (2016) explained that organizational culture can enhance or hinder employee productivity. Obtaining a healthy work culture urges employees to cohesively achieve organizational goals (Kumar, 2016).

            One of the biggest dilemmas in leadership today is the ability for the designated individual to actually lead the team. An effective leader should utilize team building, team development, and team management approaches to assist in increasing cohesion in the workplace (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). Most leaders appear to be more concerned with designating tasks, instead of building a unified work environment. In actuality, one of the benefits of team work is the increase of productiveness amongst the staff. “When work is divvied up among members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently. Your team will develop a sense of comradery as you work toward a common goal” (Center for Creative Leadership, 2019). Employing a collaborative work environment can definitely aid in the increase of productivity, among the employees, within the organization. Employees will strive to achieve goals more, if they feel a sense of belonging within the company. This is why it is imperative or leaders to understand and establish organizational culture.

Center for Creative Leadership (2019). “The Top 6 Leadership Challenges Around the World”. Retrieved from, www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/top-6-leadership-challenges/ (Links to an external site.)

Kumar, A. (2016). Redefined and Importance of Organizational Culture. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: A Administration and Management, 16(4), 1-5.

Taylor, W. C., Suminski, R. R., Das, B. M., Paxton, R. J., & Craig, D. W. (2018). Organizational Culture and Implications for Workplace Interventions to Reduce Sitting Time Among Office-Based Workers: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in public health, 6, 263. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2018.00263

remote work

tell us about your professional journey and how your soft skills would make you a great remote team member

soft skills are:

Conflict Resolution






Strong Work Ethic



Critical Thinking


Attention to Detail

Time Management