Week 5 HR


I hope that we are slowly gaining a holistic view of Outdoor Education, and that your first impressions shared during week 1 have evolved accordingly. We have looked at Outdoor Ed through an academic lens, and had explored how these programs manifest themselves in the market place. At this point we have identified the Outdoor Ed has significant advantages when it is presented as a multifaceted educational experience that targets several different objectives via diversified curriculum. In simplified categories, Outdoor Ed works in the following realms:

Social Emotional Learning– Is the increasingly mainstream terminology that encompasses traditionally labeled ‘emotional intelligence’ topics. SEL is slowly working its way into the public school system, and gaining traction in state mandated educational requirements. For more information check out- https://casel.org/what-is-sel/ (Links to an external site.) 

Environmental Literacy– P21 Sums up Environmental Lit well- http://www.p21.org/about-us/p21-framework/830-environmental-literacy (Links to an external site.) 

Technical Outdoor Skills– From map and compass navigation, travel techniques in bear country, medical knowledge regarding heat related illness, to assessing and managing risk, teaching technical outdoor skills has long been the primary focus of Outdoor Education.

Dynamic programs meets many other needs but for our purposes we will focus on the above three items.

For this week please DEBATE which of the above elements of Outdoor Education you feel are most needed and/or most important in your community. All responses should be posted in the Discussion section under Week 5- Ranking debate.  

First, define your community (family unit, peer group, local population, generational group (e.g. millennial’s) etc. Your definition of community should be explained in 2-3 sentences.

Second, rank from 1-3 your priority of subjects within Outdoor Education that are you feel are most needed and/or most important within your community. Explain your rankings with two-three (2-3) sentences each. Feel free to argue for a component other than Social Emotional Learning, Environmental Lit, or Technical Outdoor Skills. You can also introduce and argue for your own category that you feel exists in Outdoor Rec. 

NOTE: This is a Chinese client, female.

If you are unclear about certain topics, continue to explore, identify, and synthesize 

This is one of our final theoretical assignment, before we shift our focus to the Back country component of this course.

*A reminder that all submitted work should always be your own. Plagiarism in any form will not be accepted and will be reported accordingly*

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