UNit 9





Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you   are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology,   Productivity)


Strengths: Describe your strengths in this   skill.


Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in   this skill.


Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around   developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what   improvement of this skill looks like.


Goal Statement: Write a positive statement that   includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after   development.


Practices for Growth: Describe 2–3 specific   strategies that can be used to develop this skill.


Action Steps: 

Describe an action plan   around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin   working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire   knowledge and build upon your skill?

● Step 1:

● Step 2:

● Step 3:

(Add more steps if   necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges: 

What   barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you   anticipate?


Key Supporters: 

Identify 1–2 individuals   you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as   trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your   goal.

● Supporter 1

● Supporter 2

Supporting University Resources:

Identify 1–2 university   resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the   resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:

Career Center Resources:




Career Communities


LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com)

Other Strayer Resources:

Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR   Student Assistance


Benefits   From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals: 

Connect your goals around skills to one larger   personal goal, one academic goal, and one professional goal you have. These   can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones. How will your   personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?




Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you   are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology,   Productivity)


Strengths: Describe your strengths in this   skill.


Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in   this skill.


Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around   developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what   improvement of this skill looks like.


Goal Statement: Write a positive statement that   includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after   development.


Practices for Growth: Describe 2–3 specific   strategies that can be used to develop this skill.


Action Steps: 

Describe an action plan   around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin   working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire   knowledge and build upon your skill?

● Step 1:

● Step 2:

● Step 3:

(Add more steps if   necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges: 

What   barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you   anticipate?


Key Supporters: 

Identify 1–2 individuals   you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as   trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your   goal.

● Supporter 1

● Supporter 2

Supporting University Resources:

Identify 1–2 university   resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the   resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:

Career Center Resources:




Career Communities


LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com)

Other Strayer Resources:

Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR   Student Assistance


Benefits   From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals: 

Connect your goals around skills to one larger   personal goal, one academic goal, and one professional goal you have. These   can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones. How will your   personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?




Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you   are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology,   Productivity)


Strengths: Describe your strengths in this   skill.


Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in   this skill.


Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around   developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think about what   improvement of this skill looks like.


Goal Statement: Write a positive statement that   includes your desired outcome and your imagined preferred future after   development.


Practices for Growth: Describe 2–3 specific   strategies that can be used to develop this skill.


Action Steps: 

Describe an action plan   around developing your skill that includes things you can do now to begin   working towards your goal. What specific actions are needed to acquire   knowledge and build upon your skill?

● Step 1:

● Step 2:

● Step 3:

(Add more steps if   necessary.)

Potential Obstacles and Challenges: 

What   barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you   anticipate?


Key Supporters: 

Identify 1–2 individuals   you can check in with, who will provide feedback along the way and act as   trusted supporters. Explain how these supporters will help you meet your   goal.

● Supporter 1

● Supporter 2

Supporting University Resources:

Identify 1–2 university   resources that can help you meet your goal and explain how. Consider the   resources you learned about in the weekly Learn pages, including:

Career Center Resources:




Career Communities


LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com)

Other Strayer Resources:

Strayer Mobile

Strayer Technical Support

Get Inspired

SOAR   Student Assistance


Benefits   From Change and Connections to Personal, Academic, and Career Goals: 

Connect your goals around skills to one larger   personal goal, one academic goal, and one professional goal you have. These   can be the ones you identified in Assignment 2 or new ones. How will your   personal development of employability skills impact your larger goals?

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