Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give you exercise to
Become familiar with tree, binary tree
Become familiar with linked binary tree structure and array-based binary
tree structure
Exercise 1:
For the following tree, answer following questions:
a. Which node is the root?
b. What are the internal nodes?
c. How many descendents does node cs016/ have?
d. How many ancestors does node cs016/ have?
e. What are the siblings of node homeworks/?
f. Which nodes are in the subtree rooted at node projects/?
g. What is the depth of node papers/?
h. What is the height of the tree?
Exercise 2:
1. Draw a (single) binary tree T such that:
a. Each internal node of T stores a single character
b. A preorder traversal of T yields EXAMFUN
c. An in order traversal of T yields MAFXUEN
2. Assume the above binary tree is arranged in a Linked binary tree structure, draw a figure to represent the binary tree [hint: take a look at figure 7.14]
3. Discuss the pros and cons of the array-list representation of a binary tree.