
Topic: Consider yourself as a job analyst of any company and discuss various job analysis method and prepare job description and job specification for at least two positions in your company. 

  1. Title page 
  • Students Name 
  • Students ID
  • Topic
  • University logo
  • Company logo
  • Instructor name
  • Date of submission
  1. Abstract
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Introduction about the company
  4. Introduction about the
  • Job analysis and its various methods
  • Job description
  • Job specification
  1. Prepare job description and job specification for at least two positions in your company. 
  2. Advantages of job description and job specification
  3. Limitation of job description and job specification
  4. Conclusion
  5. List of References: References of the data collection should be given in last with APA style.
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