Problem 12- Project Risk

Prathyusha Preethi

8:33 AM (8 hours ago)to me#1. Explain what a Pareto chart is – what the related philosophy is – and what they are commonly used for.In the light of the current virus situation, build a Pareto Chart based on the following data relative to medication issues and explain its meaning.

Wrong Patient – 52

Over Dose – 59

Wrong Drug – 76

Unauthorized drug – 1

Wrong IV – 4

Technique Error – 3

Wrong Time – 83

Dose Missed – 92

Under Dose – 7

Duplicated drug – 9

Wrong Route 27

Wrong calculation – 16



  • There is no minimum or maximum required number of pages. Your response will be considered complete, if it addresses each of the components outlined above.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations – If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. A minimum of 7 sources (excluding the course textbook) from scholarly articles or business periodicals is required.
  • Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.

Title: Managing Project Risks ISBN: 9781119489733 Authors: Peter J. Edwards, Paulo Vaz Serra, Michael Edwards Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Publication Date: 2019-08-13

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