need asap


Option #1: Employee Performance Needs

A critical aspect of a performance management system is to create an organization in which employees can maximize their potential. Often maximizing employee potential requires negotiating requirements and performance standards, outcomes, and measures for employees. This week, we focus on identifying employee performance issues or skills and competency gaps and how we can address employee performance needs, while making an impact on the organization’s strategy.

For this assignment:

1. Identify how to determine individual performance management needs.  When responding to this question, consider the role of performance reviews in identifying performance strengths, weaknesses, and areas for opportunities. Think about how performance reviews impact/influence performance management.

2. Often during an individual performance needs assessment, we identify performance issues, skills, or/and competencies that are not being met. Describe how organizations can improve knowledge, skills, and abilities through implementing training and development programs.

3. Identify how organizations can determine the benefits and drawbacks of implemented programs and policies to improve performance. Explain the role of metrics in assessing program quality.

4. Finally, explain the relationship between employee performance and organizational strategy. 


· Write a 5-7 page paper, or about 2300 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required.

· Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according APA.

· Include a formal references page. This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.

· You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references

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