Leaflet Challenge- military base data and UFO sightseeing

Before You Begin

  1. Create a new repository for this project called leaflet-challenge. Do not add this homework to an existing repository.
  2. Clone the new repository to your computer.
  3. This homeworks utilizes both html and Javascript so be sure to add all the necessary files. These will be the main files to run for analysis.
  4. Push the above changes to GitHub or GitLab.

Your Task

Level 1: Basic Visualization

Your first task is to visualize an UFO sightseeing data set.

  1. Get your data set : attached
  2. Import & Visualize the Data Create a map using Leaflet that plots all of the UFO sightseeing from your data set based on city and state

Level 2: More Data 

Plot a second data set on your map to illustrate the relationship between military base locations and UFO sightseeing locations. You will need to pull in a second data set and visualize it along side your original set of data. Data on military base locations is attached. 

  • Plot a second data set on our map.
  • Add a number of base maps to choose from as well as separate out our two different data sets into overlays that can be turned on and off independently.
  • Add layer controls to our map.
    • Your data markers should reflect the location of the UFO sightseeing in their size and color. UFO sight seeing with more frequency should appear larger and darker in color.
    • Include popups that provide summary about the UFO sightseeing from the report when a marker is clicked.
    • Create a legend that will provide context for your map data.
    • Your visualization should look something like the map above.


Your final product will be assessed on the following metrics:

  • Completion of assigned tasks
  • Visual appearance
  • Professionalism

Good luck!

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