- Lab FOUR-03
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: A LED . ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s).==========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-03) as a text file to your computer
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-03
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-03 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-04
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: Improving the Caesar cipherNOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)
- Due Date: Any time on or before Monday, September 27, 2021.==========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-04) as a text file to your computer
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-04
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-04 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-05
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: PalindromesNOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s.==========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-05) as a text file to your computer
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-05
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-05 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-06
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: AnagramsNOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)==========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-06) as a text file to your computer
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-06
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-06 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-07
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: The Digit of LifeNOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)=========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-07) as a text file to your computer7
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-07
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-07 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-08
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: Find a word! NOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)=========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-08) as a text file to your computer7
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-08
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-08 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-09
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: LAB: SudokuNOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)
- Due Date: Any time on or before Monday, September 27, 2021.==========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-09) as a text file to your computer7
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-09
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-09 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE. So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
- Visit the following site:
Lab FOUR-10
- Visit the following site:
- https://edube.org/study/pe2
- Python Essentials 2 (Intermediate, v.2.0)
- Module 2:Problem Statement: Reading ints safelyNOTE: This is an extra-credit activity. ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to
- Set up your script to do the needed task
- compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
- run (ie, no run-time error(s))
- For your solution to be workable,
- Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
- you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
- you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
- ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces the expected output
- your program
- You’ll receive partial credit, if
- your program
- compiles and runs with no problems
- produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
- your program
- You’ll receive full credit, if
- You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
- You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
- You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)=========================================================================================================================What to submit:
- Your Python solution as a text file
- A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- How to submit:
- Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-10) as a text file to your computer7
- Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
- Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-10
- Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-10 file) on your computer
- Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
- upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
- Click on SUBMIT
- Visit the following site: