IT 204 assignment 1

IT 204 Week 1 Assignment

These are instructions for completing the Week one assignment. You are creating a basic business letter.

The section immediately below is the header. Below the horizontal line is the body of your letter.

Use one-inch margins  all around. (This is usually the default in MS Word)

Your Name (use 14 point Verdana font, bold, centered)

Your mailing address (12 point Verdana font, not bold, centered)

Your email address (12 point Verdana font, not bold, centered)

Your telephone number ((12 point Verdana font, not bold, centered)

Add a line below the title as shown below. Use 12 point Verdana for the rest of the letter.

(1 blank line)

Today’s date in long date format, January 5, 2021

(1 blank line)

(indent paragraphs) Write two or three short double-spaced paragraphs, describing what you plan to do when you graduate. For example, describe your ideal job?

(2 blank lines)


(3 blank lines)

(For a formal business letter, you will hand sign with blue ink)

Your name (typed)

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