GO19_AC_CH01_GRADER_1F_HW – Recruiting Events 1.1

GO19_AC_CH01_GRADER_1F_HW – Recruiting Events 1.1


Project Description:

In this project, you will use a database template and create database objects to track recruiting events for a college. You will enter records into the Events table using a multiple-items form and a single-items form. You will append data from Excel to the Events table. You will create a second table in the database that tracks contact information for recruiters.


Start   Access. Open the downloaded file named Student_Access_1F_Recruitment_Events.accdb,   and enable the content.


In   the Event List multiple-items form that opened automatically, in the new   record row, enter the following record (the Start Time and End Time data will   reformat automatically):

  Title: Health Professions
  Start Time: 6/1/23 8a
  End Time: 6/1/23 12p
  Description: Science Students
  Location: Hill Country High   School


In   the Event List form, click New Event, and in the Event Details single-record   form, enter the following record (the Start Time and End Time data will   reformat automatically):

  Title: New Students
  Location: Brazos Convention   Center
  Start Time: 6/1/23 10a
  End Time: 6/1/23 3p
  Description: College Fair


Close   the Event Details single-record form, and then enter the following two   records in the Event List multiple-items form (the Start Time and End Time   data will reformat automatically):

  Record 3:
  Title: Information Technology Start Time: 6/2/23 9a End Time: 6/2/23 12p
  Description: Technical Students Location:   Round Rock Technical Center

  Record 4:
  Title: International Students Start Time: 6/2/23 2p End Time: 6/2/23 5p
  Description: Open House   Location: Southeast Campus


Close   the Event List form. Append the records from the downloaded Excel file a01F_Recruiting_Events.xlsx to the   Events table.


In   the Navigation Pane, organize the objects by Tables and Related Views. Open   the Events table (the table has 13 records). Apply Best Fit to all of the   fields in the table, save the table, and then close the table.


In   Datasheet view, create a new table. Beginning in the second column of the   table and using the data type of Short Text, create the Location, Last Name,   First Name, Email Address,   and Business Phone fields (in that order).


For   the ID field, change the data type to Short Text and rename the field to Recruiter ID.


Starting   in the Recruiter ID field, add the following two records to the new table:

R-01|Hill Country High School|Rostamo|Robyn|[email protected]|(512) 555-3410
R-02|Brazos Convention   Center|Hart|Roberto|[email protected]|(512) 555-1938


Starting   in the Recruiter ID field, add the following two records to the new table:

R-03|Round Rock   Technical Center|Sedlacek|Belinda|[email protected]|(512) 555-0471
R-04|Southeast Campus|Nguyen|Thao|[email protected]|(512) 555-2387


Apply   Best Fit to all of the fields in the table, and then save the table as 1F Recruiters.


Close   all database objects, and then close Access. Submit the Access_1F_Recruitment_Events.accdb database as directed.

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