First Normal Form Assignment
Attached Files:
exampleData.sql (740 B)
In this exercise you will:1.) Run the attached SQL script “exampleData.sql” in your preferred way (E.g., workbench or from the command line tool in a terminal window.)This script creates a database named FN1 and a table named “VoterData”, and loads three rows of data into the table.Notice that the data are not stored in First Normal Form because two of the columns: “address” and “email” are used in a way that makes their data nonatomic. A valid address is hierarchical: street number, street name, city/town name, state, zip code, etc. The email field is used to store more than one email address. (If you want to know more about postal addresses read this: Watch Caleb Curry’s youtube video on First Normal Form ( and understand what this means and how he redesigns his database. Notice that the database I gave you is similar to his.3.) Redesign the provided example database so that the email information is in first normal form. This means that you will create a new table called “EmailAddresses” that is specialized for storing email address information, and, it has a foreign key relationship with the VoterData table, etc.When you finish save your work as an SQL file and upload it. I don’t want screen shots word documents, etc.I will run your sql file to determine if you did the exercise correctly.