


Project Description:

As a university researcher, you have completed a report on the study habits of typical college students. A summary of your research is in draft form so you will modify it to include appropriate formatting, margins, a header, and a watermark. In addition, you will adjust document properties and ensure that the document meets accessibility standards.


Start   Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch01_CapAssessment_Study.docx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


Display nonprinting characters.   Change the orientation to Portrait.


Change the left and right   margins to 1.25”.


Replace the hyphen between 2015 and 2017 in the second body paragraph on the first page with a   Nonbreaking Hyphen from the Special Characters.


Delete the incomplete sentence, Pell grants and those with dependents,   in the first paragraph on the fourth page. Ensure that only one space is   shown between remaining sentences in the paragraph from which you deleted the   sentence.


Type Time Analysis as a left-aligned header. On the   same header line, but right-aligned, insert a page number in Plain Number   style. Mac users, use the default number style.


Change document properties to   include Sangmin Roe as   the Author (removing the current author) and Tarrant University as a keyword.


A watermark serves to identify a   document in various ways. It may be used to mark a document as a draft or sample,   or perhaps the company name appears as a watermark on each page. This   document was prepared for the American Association of Educational   Administrators, as evidenced by the acronym AAEA.

  Add a diagonal text watermark with the text AAEA in Blue color (eighth column in Standard colors).


Check for spelling and   grammatical errors, correcting any identified spelling mistakes. If the word diploma is flagged, this is not a word   usage or grammatical error, so ignore this flag. 


Select the word agree at the end of the second body   paragraph on the first page. Using the thesaurus, identify synonyms,   selecting and inserting the word concur.


Insert a page break at the top   of the document. At the top of the new page, insert text from Cover.docx.


Add a footer and type the   author’s name, Sangmin Roe.


Ensure that the header and   footer do not display on the first page.


As you develop a document for   distribution, keep in mind the makeup of your audience. If it is likely that   those with disabilities will read the document, you should make every effort   to ensure its readability. By checking for accessibility, you are alerted to   possible challenges that you can consider correcting before distribution.

  Check the document for accessibility. Make any changes suggested in the   Accessibility Pane.


Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch01_CapAssessment_Study.docx.   Exit Word. Submit the file as directed.

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