


Project Description:

You are preparing a presentation on Impressionism as your final project in your art history class. You will mention some of the major artists, show a couple of the paintings from this movement, and provide information about where the original artworks may be seen.


Start PowerPoint. Download and   open the file Exp19_PPT_Ch04_ML1_Painting.pptx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Click Slide 1 and change the   subtitle Student Name to Marie   LaPointe.


Insert Painting1.jpg as the background on Slide 1. Set the Transparency   at 75%.



Select the SmartArt graphic on   Slide 2. Apply the Wipe animation. Set the Effect Options to From Right in   the Directions section and One by One in the Sequence section. Set Start to   After Previous. Set Duration to 02.50 and Delay to 00.25.



Remove the background of the   picture on Slide 3.



Apply the Split animation to the   top table on Slide 4. Set the Effect   Option to Vertical Out. Set Start to After Previous. Set Duration to 01.50 and set Delay to 00.25.



Apply the Split animation to the   bottom table. Set the Effect Option to Vertical Out. Set Start to After   Previous. Set Duration to 01.25 and set Delay to 00.50.


Apply the Shape animation to the   chart on Slide 5. Set the Effect Option to Out. Set Start to After Previous.   Set Duration to 02.50 and set Delay to 00.25.


Duplicate Slide 6.



Replace the existing picture on   the new Slide 7 with Painting2.jpg.


Apply the Morph transition.   Compress all pictures in the presentation.



Create a Summary Zoom using   Slides 1, 2, 4, and 5. Type Impressionism in the title placeholder of the new Slide 1.



Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch04_ML1_Painting.pptx. Exit   PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed.

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