1. Open the attached “Excel Assignment.xlsx” file and name it “LastName_FirstInitial – Excel Assignment.xlsx”. 2. Set the page orientation to landscape. Change the student name(s) to your name(s). 3. Wrap the text in the column headings A4:J4 and A14:H14 in Sheet 1 and set the column width to (approximately) 10 for columns B to J. 4. Calculate the Gross Pay (F5:F9) using the following formula: Pay Rate times Regular Hours plus 1.5 times Pay Rate times O/T Hours. 5. Display the Taxable Benefits (G5:I9) in the following way: apply a formula/function to allocate and return the appropriate weekly amount of Dental, Insurance, and Medical based on his/her Benefits Level and the corresponding taxable benefit to this code in Sheet 2. The assumptions, the taxable benefit rates, and the tax rates (all in Sheet 2) may be subject to changes, so all formulas should be created in a way so that they would reflect any changes in Sheet 2 automatically. 6. Calculate the Taxable Income (Gross Pay plus Taxable Benefits). 7. Use the Taxable Income (J5:J9) to automatically locate the Federal and Provincial Tax withholdings from the Tax Table on Sheet 2. For example: Federal Tax = Taxable Income * Federal Tax %. 8. Calculate the Employ. Insurance and Govt. Pension contributions based on the Gross Pay (Note: Gross Pay not Taxable Income). The contribution percentages are located in the Assumption area in Sheet 2. Calculate the Total Deductions as a sum of all deductions (Federal Tax, Provincial Tax, Employ. Insurance, and Govt. Pension). 9. Calculate the Net Amount by subtracting the Total Deductions from the Gross Pay. 10. Calculate the totals in B20:G20 11. Insert cheque number 121 in H15 and create a formula that will automatically number all the rest of cheques in sequence. 12. Format the title as Arial 16 pt., bold, italic and merge and centre it across columns A:J. 13. Format all dollar values as: number, 2 decimal places, 1,000 separators and no dollar sign. 14. Centre the contents of the Benefits Level (B5:B9) and the Cheque No. (H15:H19) columns. 15. Format the borders and headings as shown in the example below.