CT3 Presentation

Option #1: Small Employer Reward Management System

Create a presentation that introduces the reward  management system deployed by the small employer, Alfa I Omega (AIO) (Chapter  14) that allows it to compete with larger companies to get top-flight workers  (Odrakiewicz, Szulc, & Odrakiewicz, 2018). Incorporate into the  presentation the governmental factors that influence reward systems in this  country and your evaluation of whether or not the premise of small raises and more pay  at risk would work in the United States and in a large company. Conclude your  presentation with advice or tips for AIO to make its reward system even  stronger so it can compete with larger companies for key personnel.

Your presentation should:

  1. Be 10-12  slides in length (not including cover and reference slides).
  2. Include  presenter’s notes for each slide to further detail the key text that is  included on each slide.
  3. Integrate  a minimum of three scholarly articles in addition to course resources.
  4. Note:  Citations integrated into the presentations and all references must be formatted  according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).
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