CS 1181
Upload the following programs using your Moodle account.
Write a program to store the results of a lab experiment involving daily temperatures in a text file named temperatures.txt. Prompt the user for the 6:00AM, Noon, and 6:00PM temperatures for a period of 7 days. The temperatures cannot be less than -50 or greater than 110. Write each temperature to the file using the following format:
field 1: day
field 2: 6:00AM temperature
field 3: Noon temperature
field 4: 6:00PM temperature
The file should have 7 records, one for each day.
NOTE: Store the temperatures.txt file in the same folder as the program source code.
Write a program to read the temperatures.txt file you created for asg6a and create a temperature report for each day with an average for each period using the following format:
Day Morning Noon Evening
1 45 63 57
7 41 57 43
Average nn.n nn.n nn.n