Create a subroutine that will create a 10 x 10 times table (4 x 4 example below) on an excel worksheet using at least one for loop. Use excel. 2 al 4 6 2 6 12 16 4 12
Create a function that will have a numerical grade as an input and output the corresponding letter grade according to the scale below. Use Excel. Letter Grade Numerical Grade >= 90 >= 80 and < 90 >= 70 and < 80 >= 60 and < 70 < 60
Create a function for linear interpolation between two points according to the formula below where x, X1, X2, yı, and y2 will be inputs to the function. use excel 2 2
Create a subroutine that will output to a spreadsheet the minimum, maximum, average, and median of the input data below. Use excel. Data 244 460 428 97 244 271 485 104 334 330 120 61 42