COMP 3051 Algorithm Design and Analysis


Assignment 2


According to our suggested 16 week “Course Schedule,” you should complete and submit Assignment 2 by the Sunday at the end of Week 6. This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade. To receive full marks, answer each of the following questions in a clear and comprehensive manner. You can find the assignment marking criteria at the end of this document.


1.  Show that if f(n) is O(h(n)) and g(n) is O(i(n)), then f(n) + g(n) is O(h(n) + i(n)).

[2 marks]

2. Show that 3(n + 1)7 + 2n log n is O(n7). Hint: Try applying the rules of Theorem 1.7. You will have to use the insert equations to answer this question. [2 marks]

3. Give an O(n)-time algorithm for computing the depth of each node of a tree T, where n is the number of nodes of T. Assume the existence of methods setDepth (v,d) and getDepth(v) that run in O(1) time.  [2 marks]

4. What does the following algorithm do? Analyze its worst-case running time and express it using “Big-Oh” notation. [2 marks] 

Algorithm Foo (a,n):

Input: two integers, a and n

Output: ?

k ß 0

b ß 1

while k < n do

k ßk + 1

b  ß b *a

return b


5. a. Describe (in pseudo-code) a findAll Elements (k) method of an AVL tree T. It should run in O(logn + s) time where n is the size of T and s is the number of elements returned (i.e., the number of nodes in T whose key is k).

b. Analyze the running time of your algorithm.

[2 marks]


Marking Criteria for Assignments


You will be awarded full marks if your   answer adequately answers the question addressed.

Total marks = 10

You will be awarded partial marks if your   answer demonstrates:

· Application of the major and   alternative approaches, methods, or algorithms to solve the problem.

· Evidence of appropriate   logic.

· Evidence of correct   computational skills and data structures.

· Inclusion of appropriate   comments or explanations.

For details about how to submit this assignment, refer to the “Assignment Submission Instructions” under the Assignments Overview tab of your course.

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