Big Data and Data Analytics on Social Media

  Write a 12 pages research paper on Big Data and Data Analytics on Social Media

Big Data and Data Analytics on Social Media



Include   the names of those who participated in the project

Table   of contents: 

Use   a Microsoft Enabled Table of Contents feature.


Describe   the issue, discuss the problem, and elaborate on any previous attempts to   examine that issue.

Research   Questions:

In   your identified problem area that you are discussing, what were the research   questions that were asked?


What   approach did the researcher use, qualitative, quantitative, survey, case   study? Describe the population that was chosen.

Data   Analysis:

What   were some of the findings, for example, if there were any hypotheses asked,   were they supported?


What   was the conclusion of any data collections, e.g., were research questions   answered, were hypotheses supported?


Here   you can expand on the research and what the big picture means, how do the   results found in your literature review help organizations with the problems   of handling, managing and safeguarding all this data. What do you see as   long-term impacts and what further research could be done in the field?


Include   at least ten scholarly references in APA format.

(a) Provide a background of the company chosen. 

(b) Determine the problems or opportunities that that this project will solve. What is the value of the project? 

(c) Describe the impact of the problem. In other words, is the organization suffering financial losses? Are there opportunities that are not exploited? 

(d) Provide a clear description regarding the metrics your team will use to measure performance. Please include a discussion pertaining to the key performance indicators (KPIs). 

(e) Recommend a big data tool that will help you solve your problem or exploit the opportunity, such as Hadoop, Cloudera, MongoDB, or Hive. 

(f) Evaluate the data requirements. Here are questions to consider: What type of data is needed? Where can you find the data? How can the data be collected? How can you verify the integrity of the data? 

(g) Discuss the gaps that you will need to bridge. Will you need help from vendors to do this work? Is it necessary to secure the services of other subject matter experts (SMEs)? 

(h) What type of project management approach will you use this initiative? Agile? Waterfall? Hybrid? Please provide a justification for the selected approach. 

(i) Provide a summary and conclusion. 

(j) Your written paper must have at least 10 reputable sources and 10-to-15-pages. 

(k) Please write the paper in APA Style

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