Write a research report on the main topic: Software Engineering and Traditional Development Models in APA format

Word count: 3500 words

Be sure to narrow the research focus

  • Search the literature database to find a problem that you will focus on – Add to this section: (Introduction–>Problem Statement)

 For example:

   Main topic: Software Engineering and 3D Printing 

 Research Title: The impact of 3D printing software on sales and productivity in the retail industry

  • Determine at least TWO questions that you will focus on in the research solution

                  Add to this section: (Introduction–> Research Questions

Research Report Guide:

  • The structure of the paper  MUST follow the guide. The guide can be found in the Research Report Help section.
  •  Include All sections
  1. Front Matter – Title page (with Running head“), blank Approval page, Abstract, blank Acknowledgement page, Table of Contents, List of Figures  (if necessary), List of Tables (if necessary)
  2. Chapters 1 – 5
  3. References (as per APA)
  4. Appendices (if necessary)




WELCOME to the discussion for WEEK 1. Please respond in complete sentences for each question, unless directed to do otherwise, demonstrating in your reply that you have read the material in order to earn full credit. Please note that participating in this discussion counts toward your class participation grade.

Microsoft Word is a word processing program designed for everyday tasks. MS Word is the most popular word processing software used today.  Microsoft Word is used to create and edit professional-looking documents such as applications, forms, templates, business cards, letters, paper, reports, and booklets by using Microsoft Word.

This week, we will discuss Week 1’s reading assignments. Our discussion will focus on Managing Documents in MS. Word.  The topics we will be discussing are:

1. Navigating within documents.
2. Formatting documents.
3. Saving and sharing documents.
4. Inspecting document for issues.
5. Locating and correcting accessibility issues.

This week’s Read and Watch covers the following topics:

Create a New Blank Document

Create a Document based on a Template

Open Existing Documents

Open Documents in Protected View

Open and Edit PDF Files in Word

Display Different Views of Documents

Display and Edit File Properties

Manually Save Documents

Automatically Save Documents

Save Documents in Other Formats

Maintain Compatibility with Other Versions of Word 

Using Existing Styles

Create a New Style Based on Document Formatting

Add or Change the Background Color

Save Files to OneDrive

Types of Hidden Data and Personal Information

 Insert a Header of Footer

Find and remove hidden data and personal information with the Document Inspector

Change the Area of a Document Displayed in the Content Pane

Open Document in Protected View


1. Item A: From the list of topics above, choose one topic or term discussed in the reading that stood out to you. 
2. Item B: Define or describe the topic, including citations from the Read & Watch material and ANY other additional source/sources.
3. Item C: Discuss the importance of the topic. Cite specific examples from the reading. Include personal experience with the topic if appropriate.
4. There are THREE items to each response: Item A (topic), Item B (definition and citation), Item C (discussion) unless specified otherwise. When you respond, they should be labeled accordingly.

Minimum Topic Response: Word Count = 70 (per topic question). Your response to each question is required to be AT LEAST 70 WORDS long.  If your reply to each question is less than 70 words, you will lose points. You can use Microsoft Word to count the words in your response to make sure you have met the requirement.
NOTE 2: Please make sure you answer EACH item and LABEL each item (#1, #2, #3, etc) so that I can easily check that each item has been answered.
NOTE 3: Please do not attach a file to the conference–enter your reply into the text area provided.
NOTE 4: After you post your response, please review it to make sure it is formatted correctly and is easy to read.

computer science

 network analysis/tech using the NS3 network simulator and , report-1000 words and , 10 ppt slides w/o notes 


The control of processes and threads are of deep concern by developers of all operating systems capable of handling “real or emulated” simultaneous computer activity. Threads are typically created by processes (initially invoked by the user or another process). Discuss how an operating system manages these processes and threads, how they are instantiated and discarded, how the activity is controlled, along with the respective advantages and disadvantages of both process and thread. Do not discuss MS Windows OS. Instead you may choose from Linux, UNIX, ROS, z/OS, or VM.

Java Program


Write a program, in a file called MeanNumbers.java, that collect integer variables from the user until the user enters a non-positive value. It the user has enter less than two values, display a message “Insufficient data.” and stop. If the user enters more than 10 values, display “Too many values” and stop. Otherwise, call the following methods and display the results: double arithmeticMean(int [] d), double harmonicMean(int [] d), and double harmonicMean(it [] d). arithmeticMean should calculate the arithmetic mean: am= ∑i=0 N d [i] N , harmonicMean should calculate the harmonic mean: am= ∑i=0 N 1 d [i] N , and geometricMean should calculate the geometric mean: am= N √∏i=0 N d[i] .

Home work 6


Each student will conduct a search online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relates to Building Rapport in Negotiation. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:

Key Term:

  • Building Rapport in Negotiation

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

ANALYSISUsing 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. 

Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.

Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment.


You should incorporate these topics into your analysis section. If you do, then the chances of earning a high grade are GREATLY increased, in fact, this is the FIRST thing I look for when grading your papers. 

1. Explain why you selected this particular article among all the articles you could have chosen on your selected term.

2. Explain why you agree or disagree with the author’s key positions in the article. 

3. Explain how the article was easy or difficult to understand and why? 

4. What did the author do well in your opinion? Explain.

5. Describe what you believe the author could have done better in your opinion?

6. What else should the author have included in the article and would the article benefit from a different perspective (such as from a different nationality or different industry or experience perspective). Explain. 

7. What other sources or methods could the author have used to improve the research in the article?  (Hint: look up the types of qualitative and types of quantitative research methods). 

8. What information / in-depth study / or further research should the author focus on as a follow up to this article and why? 

9. Explain what audience would gain the most benefit from your selected article and how they could apply it in their professional lives. 

10. What did you personally gain from this article and how has it shaped your thinking on the topic?  

11. What are the conflicting or alternative viewpoints of the author’s position? Or  What additional research backs up and confirms or adds to the author’s position?  (Hint: this will require you to find another peer-reviewed article that challenges, confirms, or adds to, or provides a different perspective to your chosen article.)

Next,  I look for the summary, writing quality, and formatting. 

I am typically very lenient on the writing because I am more focused on your content, but I will also point out how the paper could be better written. I only heavily penalize poorly written papers when there are excessive writing problems.

Why do I grade papers in this class this way?  

One of the key differences in a Bachelor’s vs Master’s level is critical thinking. Bachelor’s level basically challenges direct knowledge and recall of information. The Master’s level is more about analysis and critical thinking and defending your position in a scholarly way. The analysis section of these papers is your opportunity to exercise critical thinking (that’s why I call this portion of your papers critiques). 

Recalling or simply explaining the journal articles is a bachelor’s level task. When I see this in your papers I give the paper an automatic C. If the paper is poorly written it also gets an F. 

To get a B or an A – you must provide a critique of the paper and the author and how well the author did and what you think of the article. The questions listed above do this properly.  

I do not want to read your version of the journal article. I may as well read the journal article for myself.  Just briefly describe the article in your summary section  – but the analysis section is where you put in your personal critique – in other words, address the questions listed above and even add in additional thoughts based on your own creativity. 

Week 11: Cyber Law assignment

 Week 11: California Privacy Rights Act Assignment

 On November 3, 2020, California’s Privacy Rights Act is on the ballot. As of the time this assignment is being written, we do not know whether it will pass or not. Please write a 250 word essay on what the Act contains, and if it passed the ballot or not. Please tell why it passed or did not pass.

Minimum 250 words. Add References in APA format.