Union Representation Memo

Union Representation Memo (Paper/Memo)
(25 points) 3-4 pages, not including cover or References pages

You have recently joined an organization in an entry level HR position. The organization is now subject to union representation. You have been asked by your supervisor to write a brief memo for your HR colleagues that provides an overview of the expectations for managing human resources in a unionized environment. Your memo must address the following:

  1. The differences, from the organization’s perspective, in operating in a union-free environment versus a unionized environment
  2. The rights of the union, management, and employees
  3. The impacts of the union on human resource functions, including
    • Work restructuring  
    • Performance Management
    • Employee Discipline and Job Security
    • Wages and Benefits
    • Health and Safety
  4. Any costs the organization may expect based upon these impacts

Use headings to separate the sections of the paper, double-space, and Times New Roman font, cover page, page numbers, and APA format.

Support your answers! In responding, you must use five references including three from the course materials. They should be from a scholarly journal or credible news source from within the past three years. At least three should be from course materials. 

Project Management


This assignment will consist of 2000 – 3000 word paper double spaced and in accordance with APA writing standards.

The paper should also have a cover sheet and reference section and is not counted toward the 2000- 3000 words. A minimum of 5 sources are to be used. The sources that you use in this paper are to be authoritative – preferably peer reviewed literature. Web sites may be used moderately but must be reputable and authoritative.

Although you may take the liberty of covering more topics the paper should at a minimum cover the following:

What is a Project?
What is Project Management?
Why do organizations need to use

Project Management?
What are Project Teams?
What are the differences between a

Project Leader and a Project Manager?
What are the major determinants of

Project success?
How does the Project Management concepts learned in the course thus far apply to your own professional career? (**This section of the paper should be critically reflective)

MGT312T Week 3 Discussion


Based on your What Rewards Do I Value Most? Assessment result, what motivational technique(s) would you use to motivate yourself, and why? Would you use the same technique(s) to motivate your co-worker(s) and/or employee(s)? Why or why not?

Homework Question

 Walt Disney

Given what you have read and what you learned about the leader that you researched, answer the following question in a journal assignment:

What are five to seven critical actions needed from a leader in an organizational change effort? Support each action with references.

Critical path



1. Visit the Tech Republic  website – https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/tech-decision-maker/why-critical-path-is-critical-to-project-management/

2. Read the article: “Why critical path is critical to project management”

There are several additional topics on critical path. Please read them and answer the following questions in a page:

· Which of the articles gave what you believe to be the most value in relationship to critical path?
Explain why.

· Based on what you have read in the chapters (copied below)

and in the articles do you see a relevant critical path for your project forming, if so explain what it might look like and roughly how many tasks will your project include?

· Will all of your critical tasks be deemed critical and will they potentially have dependencies? Explain

· Explain which of your tasks on a critical path can present the most risk to a project, and explain what types of contingencies you need to put in place to protect the success of a project? Provide substantive details.

Book info on critical path:

The critical path method (CPM) was developed by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. as a way to schedule the start-up and shutdown of major plants. Since these plant activities were repeated frequently, the times were fairly well known. However, the time of any activity could be compressed by expending more money. Thus, CPM assumes a time–cost trade-off rather than the probabilistic times used in PERT. The CPM method of project scheduling uses a time–cost function of the type shown in Figure 14.9 for each activity. The activity can be completed in proportionally less time if more money is spent. To express this assumed linear time–cost relationship, four figures are given for each activity: normal time, normal cost, crash time, and crash cost. The following definitions are provided. Normal time: the planned activity duration. Normal cost: the budgeted cost for the normal time. Crash time: the minimum activity duration for additional cost. Crash cost: the cost needed to achieve the crash time. The project network is solved initially by using normal times and normal costs for all activities. If the resulting project completion time and cost are satisfactory, all activities will be scheduled at their normal times. If the project completion time is too long, the project can be completed in less time at greater cost by crashing (using less time) for certain activities. 

Extra stuff– Youtube video explaining about critical paths if you need to learn more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF53ZZsP4ik&feature=emb_logo 

Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation

For this assignment, assume you are a compensation analyst in a large financial services company. You have been in your role for almost a year. At your weekly one-on-one with your boss, she tells you that the human resources representatives at the company are fielding a number of questions from employees and applicants about compensation. The human resource representatives’ knowledge of compensation is not deep.

She asks that you prepare and deliver a 10- to 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (10–15 slides) at an upcoming departmental meeting that provides basic information about what is going on in the compensation field today. Specifically she wants you to address compensation strategies that companies employ, note three of their best compensation practices, and examine three compensation challenges today’s companies are facing.

8500-Discussion – 1

Leadership, Management, and Systems Thinking

What does leadership mean to you? Additionally, how do leadership and leadership responsibilities differ between health care administration leaders and managers? The difference between health care administration leadership and health care management may be highlighted by the way in which each uses a systems approach in solving health issues. Although health care administration leadership and health care management may use a systems approach differently, the use of a systems approach provides leaders and managers with access to more resources for solving health problems. To illustrate this point, think of the role a system plays in preventing a pandemic outbreak and how access to additional resources may assist health care administration leadership effectiveness. As a result, think about how a systems thinking approach might impact your definition of health care administration leadership.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources. Consider how you define health care administration leadership and how your definition applies a systems thinking approach. Also, think about the differences between health care administration leadership and health care management. Think of an example to illustrate this difference.

Human Resource – SMART Goals

The assignment is to develop 5 SMART goals for a Community Engagement Manager.   The SMART goals must be developed based on the job description, SWAT analysis, and the marketing strategy.  The goals should fit into the template provided.

Human resource post

responses due for each discussion which are due in 16 hours. the two documents are related to discussion 1 & 2  and for discussion 3 & 4 write out the brief summary of your ideas for the voice recording and I will record the audio.