Discussion Board


  • From what you have learned thus far from the textbook’s readings, and review of PPT#1 presentation, please complete the following questions about this case. Submit your answers to one of the questions below. Keep answers to 1min 30 sec

Can Mrs. Klausman Stay in Assisted Living?

Mrs. Klausman is a 92-year-old resident in an assisted living facility. She has a mild cognitive impairment and needs help with bathing and medication administration. Because of progressive arthritis, she is having difficulty eating. The silverware slips out of her hands and falls to the floor so that staff members must keep replacing it. Mrs. Klausman becomes visibly frustrated and embarrassed. The food service manager and the administrator decide to meet with Mrs. Klausman’s daughter and recommend that the family should hire a home care provider to assist Mrs. Klausman at mealtimes. The facility does not have staff resources to feed residents. The resident’s daughter is thinking whether a skilled nursing facility would be more appropriate for her mother.

1.  Identify and evaluate Mrs. Klausman’s deficit in self-feeding from different perspectives on what long-term care consists of.
2.  Should Mrs. Klausman be transferred to a skilled nursing facility? Explain.
3.  Is hiring a homemaker appropriate? Why or why not? What do you suggest?


Topic: Consider yourself as a job analyst of any company and discuss various job analysis method and prepare job description and job specification for at least two positions in your company. 

  1. Title page 
  • Students Name 
  • Students ID
  • Topic
  • University logo
  • Company logo
  • Instructor name
  • Date of submission
  1. Abstract
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Introduction about the company
  4. Introduction about the
  • Job analysis and its various methods
  • Job description
  • Job specification
  1. Prepare job description and job specification for at least two positions in your company. 
  2. Advantages of job description and job specification
  3. Limitation of job description and job specification
  4. Conclusion
  5. List of References: References of the data collection should be given in last with APA style.

Case — Successful Management Requires International Experience

 Unit 10 assignment Case begins with you applying Hofstede’s Cultural  Dimensions and Hall’s Communication Contexts to your own culture, then to another culture of your choosing. The remainder of the Unit 10  assignment Case is applying the three phases of cross-cultural preparation (page 477) to the Proctor and Gamble Case, “Successful  Management Requires International Experience Case” in Course Resources. 

Discussion board


  • What can be classified as a grievance?
  • Contracts will have specific steps for a grievance procedure; however, the basic framework includes a verbal discussion, a written discussion, a formal meeting, and arbitration. Discuss the importance of each step in the grievance procedure along with why steps cannot be skipped.
  • The Bureau of National Affairs has sanctioned a test to determine whether just cause is satisfied. What are the questions that must be answered for justification?

bus res1.5x2_rpl

Please read and respond to the attachment(s).

Note: Only up to 20% of the written response content can be quotes from third parties.

Discussion Board: What Do Discretionary Benefits Mean to You?

 For each discussion, you must create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts. For your initial post, do the following: 

 Write a post of 1 to 2 paragraphs. 

 Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources. 

Project Stage 5



Introduction: Throughout this course, you will be working on a staged project researching a public policy issue as identified in your project proposal. At this point, you are being asked to present your findings and evaluation to your classmates and instructor.

Instructions: At this point, you will present your project to the instructor and your peers. Your presentation should include the following components:

  1. An introduction to the policy issue and its background
  2. Your methods and results from data collection
  3. An evaluation of the impact of this policy, as supported by your findings. Include in your evaluation about how you would score this policy on the Public Value
  4. Scorecard. If appropriate or relevant, consider including a Legitimacy and Support Perspective analysis of an Operational Capacity Perspective analysis as well
  5. Recommendations regarding this policy and why you are making the recommendations
  6. Conclusions based on your research, including any future research that may be needed

The Presentation should be 10-12 minutes in length. It should be narrated. Remember to be clear and professional in your delivery, as if you were delivering this to the appropriate governmental agency.

For some additional guidance on designing presentations, see the How to Design A Good PowerPoint Presentation page in this module. Remember that your presentation should be a narrated PowerPoint (or you may use Panopto or MoveNote). It helps to script what you are going to say before you narrate it.

You may submit your presentation as either a narrated PowerPoint or you may use Panopto or MoveNote to record it and submit this version. Instructions for recording your presentation as a video with these tools is available on the Recording a Presentation module page.

Discussion 4A

 Consider the examples of William Bratton and the NYPD and John James at the Minnesota Department of Revenue. What tracking and evaluation routines could be designed or put in place to let you know whether the actions of William Bratton or John James are succeeding? Offer one example of each and a brief explanation of why you think it would work. 

150 -200 words

Human Resource

URL: www.salary.com

Site Description: Salary.com offers compensation information by providing industry specific-links to a variety of salary surveys and sources. In addition to being a valuable source for competitive job pricing information, it is an excellent resource for individuals to find out the market value for their job, search for job opportunities, and educate themselves about how to become more marketable. The site also does a fine job of explaining the importance of identifying and understanding the components, other than base salary, which comprise total compensation.

Directions for exploring the site: Enter your job title or keyword into the search field (you can also add a location). If you are currently unemployed, use your previous job or a job you hope to have after graduation. The site will provide a list of different jobs that meet your title/keyword. Brief descriptions are also provided to help you figure out which one matches the best. You can select up to 3 jobs to compare salaries. You’ll have to click the job title (or if comparing multiple jobs, the “free salary data”) to see the results.


How does your current salary compare to the national averages? What is the closest percentile (10, 25, 50, 75, or 90)? If currently, unemployed, what are the salary levels at the 25, 50, and 75 quartiles?

Has this research changed your level of satisfaction with your salary? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Much of the information presented at this site is targeted toward job seekers or employees. In what ways is this information specifically relevant for organizations and managers?

What did you think of the information/resources presented under the “Articles” section (under Personal menu tab)? Which recommendations/resources did you like most and least? Was the information sound? Was it useful? What additional topics do you think they should add?