Inspect 5 doors in your building with locks

Topic :Physical security

Access Control

 Topic: Access control planning & implementation in an enterprise environment
write an 8-page paper that must include all of the following: Discuss the strengths/weakness of the topic and possible improvements. Discuss what you have learned from this assignment and how you will apply it moving forward in your career. Use at least one NIST resource as a reference. Use a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed resources. APA format; Times New Roman 12-point font. The title page and reference page do not count towards your 8-page minimum.

A minimum of 10 slides. The title slide and reference slide do not count towards your 10-slide minimum. Include speaker notes on each slide. 

SQL presentation assignment


create a presentation, covering the following objectives:

  • Explain the  basic commands and functions of SQL
  • How to use SQL for data administration (to create tables, indexes, and views)
  • How to use SQL for data manipulation (to add, modify, delete, and retrieve data)
  • How to use SQL to query a database to extract useful information

  • Use PowerPoint. Prezi or a similar presentation tool.

Visualization and Analyzing


Instructor”s question and case for class discussion:

“Why do we need to understand data visualisations? There is more and more data around us, and data are increasingly used in decision-making, journalism, and to make sense of the world. One of the main ways that people get access to data is through visualisations, but lots of people feel like they don’t have the skills and knowledge to make sense of visualisations. This can mean that some people feel left out of conversations about data.”http://seeingdata.org/developing-visualisation-literacy/

Choose three of your favorite visualizations. Post a 3 – 5 sentence summary (for each) of why you chose the visualizations. What catches your attention? Are these visuals effective in presenting the provided data? If possible, explain what you would do to improve the visualization(s).

Also Reply to your classmates:

When replying to a classmate, offer your opinion on what he/she posted and the visualizations they chose. Using at least 3 – 5 sentences, explain if you agree or disagree with his/her evaluation of the visualizations.


 Write a short summary of the analytical steps needed to work on the final case analysis. Run basic exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the data given to you and submit R-Markdown file. Write about the types of data cleaning needed before moving to the next steps of analysis

 Step 2: Join the files for the final case analysis and submit the final combined file in the csv format 

summary paper, 1000 words

This is the link to the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.04938.pdf

After you read the paper you will summarize the paper in 1000 words.

While summarizing the paper you should be answering few questions throughout your summary.

1. What is the problem?

2. Why is it interesting and important?

3. Why is it hard? (E.g., why do naive approaches fail?)

4. Why hasn’t it been solved before? (Or, what’s wrong with previous proposed

solutions? How does this differ?)

5. What are the key components of the approach and results? Also include any

specific limitations.

6. Can you think of counterexamples for examples given?

7. Is the approach clearly described? Can you outline the steps or summarize the


8. Does the work address the problem stated earlier in the paper? How?

9. Does the approach seem objective? Clearly state how?

10. Wrap up your paper by answering What is the conclusion of the research?

Wireless Network,,


Quality of Service (QoS) is significant because it allows the user to prioritize tasks completed over a wireless network. When working with wireless networks, you must consider what is important when designing QoS. In this assignment, students will gain experience on how to conduct QoS in a wireless network. Refer to the topic readings, as well as your own additional research on QoS, for successful completion of this assignment. 

All Case Studies

Directions: Refer back to the Design Document. Complete the “QoS Requirements” section. Consider the following:

1. Include a plan for QoS.

· A plan for IP wireless phones.

· Plan for devices accessing applications.

2. Devices connecting to application databases.

· Why are devices connecting to an application database important?

· What kind of problems can be caused by losing the connection to the database?

3. A method to determine the QoS for each of the applications.

· Is there anything needed for different devices/applications vs. IP wireless phones?