Data Analysis and Data Visualization

 “A picture is worth a thousand words” may be a lovely cliché, but it’s exactly the wrong way to view visualization. 

Please view the Periodic Table of Visualization at the following link ( 

Choose one Data Visualization and one Compound Visualization by placing your mouse cursor over each option. 

Provide a brief description of your choices and explain why you made your choices. 

Also, describe what advantage do your choices have over the others.  

Write it in a 500+ words (Just the content not including Title page/References) Needed in APA format document.


 Breakdown the topic using sub-headings when writing a paper.
Include in-text citations and references.APA format is expected. Please visit  for APA guidelines.
When quoting a source, use the quote exactly the way it appears within quotation marks.
Make sure that you do not copy verbatim more than two words in a row from the text you have found in a resource. If you do use more than two words together, you will have to use quotation marks.
Review the rubrics before submission. 

Assignment – Database Security

Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing the use of encryption to protect data at rest, in motion, and in use.    

Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. 

Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list format.  

Use the five paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaninful title.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google.  Place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your submission Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. Proof read your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.

Transparent Data Encryption

Homomorphic Encryption

Data Analytics Lab Work – In Full APA format


Please solve below mentioned 2 problems and answer all the questions asked in each. Use the attached excel files to solve each question.

1. Question 38 – Use P02_35.xlsx

2. Question 40 – Use P02_30.xlsx

Note: Below attached are 2 questions and required 2 excel files to be used in solving those questions.

Writing Requirements:

– Provide the excel file with calculations performed

– Provide detailed explanation to each question in a word document with screenshot

– Full APA Format


Project Assignment


Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • What are the principles and limitations to an individual’s right to privacy?
  • What are the trade offs between security and privacy?
  • What is the issue of freedom of speech versus the protection of children online?

Due: Assignment is due on the day stated in  the Course Schedule

  • Provide three articles to substantiate the above three questions.
  • Use APA format to provide a citation for each of the articles you read.
  • Suggestion: Use a search engine (Google) and keywords.

Research Paper


The COSO framework of internal controls is practiced within companies around the world. The objectives of the COSO framework are closely related to its five components. For this week’s activity, please discuss these five components of the COSO framework. Be sure to include each components’ impact on each of the COSO framework objectives. What do you feel an auditor would most be concerned with during an IT audit? Lastly, discuss suggestions for integrating COSO framework compliance into a company in which you are familiar. 

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


in our technological world, cryptography is all around us. Examine your everyday connections to technology for evidence of cryptography.  Provide detailed examples of how cryptography exists in your world.  Next, explore the level of security for two of your examples and offer your opinion on whether the current security is strong enough.  

2 pages papers

IT 244 – database design

1-Write the relational algebra expressions for the following (using Ç):
branch (branch_name, branch city, assets)
customer (customer_name, customer street, customer city)
loan (loan number, branch_name, amount)
borrower (customer name, loan number)
account (account_number, branch name, balance)
depositor (customer_name, account number)
a) Find the names of all customers who have a loan and an account at bank. 
b) Find all customers who have an account from at least the “Downtown” and the “Uptown” branches. 
2- University schema
Classroom (building, room number, capacity)
Department (dept name, building, budget)
Course (course id, title, dept_name, credits)
Instructor (ID, name, dept_name, salary)
Section (course id, sec id, semester, year, building, room number, time slot id)
Teaches (ID, course id, sec id, semester, year)
Student (ID, name, dept_name, tot cred)
Takes (ID, course id, sec id, semester, year, grade)
Advisor (student ID, instructor ID)
Time slot (time slot id, day, start time, end time)
Prereq (course id, prereq id)
Write the following queries in SQL, using the university schema
a) Find the names of all students who have taken at least one Comp. Sci. course; make sure there are no duplicate names in the result
b) Increase the salary of each instructor in the IT department by 15%. 
c) Insert every student whose tot cred attribute is greater than 75 as an instructor in the same department, with a salary of $15,000. 
3- Refer to the university schema used in Q.2 and write the following queries using Nested subqueries.
a) Find the average instructors’ salaries of those departments where the average salary is greater than $50,000. (Hint: use subqueries in the From Clause)
b) Delete all courses that have never been offered (that is, do not occur) in the section relation. 
4- Deleting a record can be costly to an organization if not done in the right way. Let us assume you are working as a DBA (database administrator) and you used the delete command without specifying a condition in the where clause. What do you think will happen to the record in the database? And in case a record was deleted, is there a way to recover the lost data? Answer should be in your own words.

Assignment #020

elect a company that has violated an HR law.
Imagine that you are an HR manager within that organization. You have been tasked with developing training to help prevent future violations of the HR law. 
Compile research and information to include in your training. 
Address the following in 900 words from your research:
Summarize the situation, explaining key HR law considerations should take place and the impact on the organization by explaining objective details.
Discuss the law’s requirements. Include information regarding what the law does, how it is executed, and the execution gaps of your selected organization.
Recommend three steps that organizational leadership should take in order to avoid challenges such as this one from happening in the future.
Cite your sources with APA formatting. Provide at least two terms, or concepts or best practices per page; Provide at least two citations per page; Provide two peer-reviewed references from the weekly reading only, that support citation.