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Two Separate Assessments. Each 300+ words with Reference
Discussion 1
Chapter 9 Exercise.
There continues to be a disparity between the advertising dollars spent on reaching TV viewers and Internet users versus the amount of time that is spent interacting with each medium. A large degree of Google’s success is attributable to taking advantage of this large gap. Research to determine (a) TV advertising dollars and Internet advertising dollars spent, and (b) the amount of time spent watching TV versus using the Internet. How has Google taken advantage of this disparity? What other major societal trends are forecasted that will continue to shift advertising dollars to new media, and why?
Your response should be at least 300 words, single-spaced. Provide references in APA format if necessary. The title page is not needed.
Discussion 2
Chapter 15. Exercise:
An acquirer looks for a company with a good profit margin, a proven history, and a fair price. Choose an industry of interest and list five criteria for selecting candidates for acquisition.
Research and response to the above question in no less than 300 words, single spaced. Provide references in APA format. A title page is not needed.
Two Separate Assisments. Each 300+ words with Reference
Similar to the parsing tree example in class, there is not much usefulness in parsing and evaluating statements without an operator. Therefore, it is safe to assume that any input to your parsing tree will contain an operator.
Examples of valid inputs are:
Example of inputs that are not expected (and that you don’t need to account for):
Also, if you haven’t started, and want a clean slate to start with, use this skeleton code in MS Teams: (Links to an external site.)
What is the assignment?
What to hand in?
What needs to be done?
The primary tasks in this fourth assignment are to implement the following three functions.
1. buildMPLogicParseTree(s) – this function should take a string as input (e.g. s = ‘( T OR P_0.9 )’) and should return the binary tree representing the parse tree as described in class
2. evaluateMPLogicParseTree(t) – this function should take a binary tree as input and should return a T or an F that is based on the on the input statement
3. printMPLogicExpression(t) – this function should take a binary tree as input and should return the string that looks like the original string (perhaps with extra parentheses)
4. create some examples of how your functions work (inside of def main()), and test that each of the functions works correctly (using unittest)
Note: Those exact function names above should be used. If those name are not used 10pts will be automatically deducted.
When you submit your assignment, it will be graded in large part based on whether it successfully runs when using different input strings. The tests will roughy look like the following:
pt = buildMPLogicParseTree('( ( T AND F ) OR M_0.3 )')
ans = evaluateMPLogicParseTree(pt)
exp = printMPLogicExpression(pt)
# pt, ans, and exp will all be checked to ensure they are correct
Again, several different input strings will be also be tested.
When an M_x or P_x is present then the test will confirm that your tree evaluates to the correct average.
For example, the above input string will evaluate to T roughly 30% of the time.
What does maybe-probably logic look like again, exactly?
The symbols of our maybe-probably Boolean logic are:
Some additional examples of statements in this language are:
As with other assignments, the final code should be your own work. However, discussing the general approach, or specific Python issues/functions, with others (e.g. on MSU Discord server), is acceptable, and encouraged! Of course, don’t hesitate to ask questions in MS Teams, by email, and in class. Again, note that the tree should include x, and that M_x or P_x terms should evaluate only inside of the evaluate function.
Create a PowerPoint that contains a FLOWCHART and a PSEUDOCODE for each problem.
Use the information below to create a pseudocode (which can be a text-based description for solving the problems) and a flowchart (using flowchart symbols to illustrate how you would program) to solve each problem. Use Microsoft PowerPoint® for Pseudocode and the flowchart.
Problem 1: Create a list that contains the months of the year.
Problem 2: Create a loop to print the month number and name (do not hard code the month number)
Consider using the attached enumerate method to help!
Ocaml language
Faster Computing was impressed with your presentation. The company is interested in moving forward with the project, but the senior management team has responded to the presentation with the following questions and concerns:
The deliverable for this phase of the project is a memo. There is no minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the questions must be fully answered with sufficient detail. The recommended format is to respond to the questions in a bulleted format. Provide sufficient detail to fully address the questions. You must cite at least two quality sources.
Go2Linux, Inc.
Provide a brief summary of your recommendation
of a specific version of Linux. Explain how your choice meets the business need of Faster
Computing, Inc.
each question, refer to your Implementation Proposal (Assignment #1) for consistency. In this
assignment you will provide technical details for Information Technology personnel.
and any acronyms explained on first use (e.g., Secure Shell (SSH)).
How will you implement security in the Linux systems?
Servers to Linux. Ho
w will users authenticate? What technologies will be used? What
kind of access controls will be used?
multiple factors? For passwords, what policy(ies) will you recommend? needed> o needed> o applications may run on the network? · End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as email/web browsing work? How would they work with their previous Microsoft Office files? o Conduct research to determine the available options. o consider the impact to initial configuration (bookmarks, extensions, plugins) needed> o continue to open/edit/save office docs in the Linux environment. You should provide at least 2 alternatives. · The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows? o should include the location of specific Linux log files. o compare/contrast in familiar terms (e.g., the Windows Event Viewer). Discuss how to stop processes, including the corresponding commands. · Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They would like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other popular options. What makes your recommendation the best option? o o · How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software? o you automate updates? o if at all. · How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to run Windows? How will we share files between the different system types? o do anything “different”? What underlying technology will need to be implemented? as needed> Warm regards, Go2Linux Linux Deployment Manager References to be used. Ensure you utilize in-text citations in the body of your paper as appropriate.> Available: l/security_guide/chap-security_guide-encryption#sect-Security_GuideLUKS_Disk_ Encryption. [Accessed December 1, 2019]. Available: [Accessed December 6, 2019]. … and so on …
For the final project, you will be conducting a forensics investigation using one of the following items:
You may use either for your investigation. However, be aware of legal issues surrounding your data gathering. If you are using any system you do not personally control and have authority to investigate/discover, please get written permission from the owner/operator of the system or refrain from your forensics analysis of that systems and use a personal system. For a network, you can use your own personal home network. For a smartphone, consider using an image from the Internet or a personal device. There could be issues related to using a live, active, personal device (example: corruption of the device). If using a personal device, consider using an old, outdated phone, if available.
You will review various forensics tools used with your selected system. Select a tool and use that tool to gather forensics data for analysis. You are simulating the process of gathering this data, so you do not need to investigate a compromised device or system. The project deliverables are as follows:
Week 7 – Prepare an investigative report of the forensics data capture conducted using the tool selected for this purpose. The paper should provide the following information:
The paper should be in a form that would be used for reporting to a court or a law enforcement agency. Be sure to provide graphics evidence of your forensics investigation effort (Screenshots, reports, etc.). References should be in APA format.
This project is need to be done using dart language in 17 january 23.59 with turkey time
Please refer to the word file attached.
Only accept the bid if you are going through .dox and you know the material
details in the document