Assignment weekly due

Answer the following question:

Which role do you feel is more important in the organization – being the data administrator or the database administrator? Explain the difference as well as explain your selection. Provide a business use case example that exemplifies this choice clearly. 


    This is a required assignment, worth 15 points. The assignment must be submitted by the due date. Late assignment are not allowed. 

    You are required to submit a minimum of two postings. Points will be deducted for not fulfilling this minimum requirement.

    Apply and use the basic citation styles of APA is required. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.

    Do not claim credit for the words, ideas, and concepts of others. Use in-text citation and list the reference of your supporting source following APA’s style and formatting. Points are deducted per the rubric for this behavior.

    Do not copy and paste information or concepts from the Internet and claim that is your work. It will be considered Plagiarism and you will receive zero for your work. A second offense results in a zero for the course. A third is termination from the university.

cloud computing to become multi-jurisdictional


In 500 words or more, consider this statement: For cloud computing to become multi-jurisdictional, it must be separated from politics.

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs.   Stand-alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes. Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Write in essay format, not in bulleted, numbered, or other list formats. 

It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding the length of your post, and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like).  Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software. It usually results in nonsense and is not a good way to learn anything. . I will not spend a lot of my time trying to decipher nonsense. Proofread your work or have it edited. Find something interesting and/or relevant to your work to write about.  Please do not submit attachments unless requested.

Assignment -4


This week’s journal articles focus on transformational leadership and knowledge and knowledge sharing within an organization, please review these concepts and answer the following questions:

How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations? 

How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization? 

When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

3 page review for blockchain

Find a peer reviewed article pertaining to blockchain and finance that is not one of the required readings for this course. Write a critical review of the article that is at least 3 pages long (content). Be sure to provide in-text citations when you paraphrase or directly quote from the article. Also include a reference page with an APA style citation of the article. Follow the writing requirements for this course when preparing the paper. Use the following format for the paper:

1.  Introduction, including the purpose of your paper and a preview of your paper. Be sure to also provide the article’s title and author(s)’ name(s) in the introduction of your paper.

2. Discuss the purpose and problem the article is addressing.

3. Elaborate on the content of the article.

4. Discuss the findings and conclusion(s) drawn by the article’s author.

5. Discuss the author’s point of view and assumptions. Indicate whether unsubstantiated assumptions were made and whether there is bias that exists in the article.

6. Discuss the significance of the article. Why it is important? On what do you base your assertions?

7. Conclude your paper. Summarize the important aspects of the review.

8. References

Your paper should include 8 centered and bolded headings that correspond to each of the required sections (Introduction, Article’s Purpose and Problem, Content, Article’s Findings and Conclusions, Point of View and Assumptions, Significance, Conclusion, References).

The computer did it! Discussion board

 1414 unread replies.1414 replies.

When human beings and computers are both involved in accomplishing a task and something goes wrong, we tend to blame the computer.

There is little question about the existence of software bugs, but can all real-world problems involving computers (such as erroneous bank transactions, military training incidents, or privacy breaches) be attributed to errors in the software program?

Today, do you think it is more likely that a computer or a human being would be responsible for a serious system problem?


Answer with complete sentences for full credit.


1. In CLIQUE, the threshold used to find cluster density remains constant, even as the number of dimensions increases. This is a potential problem since density drops as dimensionality increases; i.e., to find clusters in higher dimensions the threshold has to be set at a level that may well result in the merging of low-dimensional clusters. Comment on whether you feel this is truly a problem and, if so, how you might modify CLIQUE to address this problem.

2. Name at least one situation in which you would not want to use clustering based on SNN similarity or density.

3. Give an example of a set of clusters in which merging based on the closeness of clusters leads to a more natural set of clusters than merging based on the strength of connection (interconnectedness) of clusters.

4. We take a sample of adults and measure their heights. If we record the gender of each person, we can calculate the average height and the variance of the height, separately, for men and women. Suppose, however, that this information was not recorded. Would it be possible to still obtain this information? Explain.

5. Explain the difference between likelihood and probability.

6. Traditional K-means has a number of limitations, such as sensitivity to outliers and difficulty in handling clusters of different sizes and densities, or with non-globular shapes. Comment on the ability of fuzzy c-means to handle these situations.

7. Clusters of documents can be summarized by finding the top terms (words) for the documents in the cluster, e.g., by taking the most frequent k terms, where k is a constant, say 10, or by taking all terms that occur more frequently than a specified threshold. Suppose that K-means is used to find clusters of both documents and words for a document data set.

(a) How might a set of term clusters defined by the top terms in a document cluster differ from the word clusters found by clustering the terms with K-means?

(b) How could term clustering be used to define clusters of documents?

8. Suppose we find K clusters using Ward’s method, bisecting K-means, and ordinary K-means. Which of these solutions represents a local or global minimum? Explain.

9. You are given a data set with 100 records and are asked to cluster the data. You use K-means to cluster the data, but for all values of K, 1 ≤ K ≤ 100, the K-means algorithm returns only one non-empty cluster. You then apply an incremental version of K-means, but obtain exactly the same result. How is this possible? How would single link or DBSCAN handle such data?



Your client is interested in how you will structure the website. Before you begin to write the HTML for your pages, it’s a good practice to create a storyboard that outlines your ideas for colors, font sizes, placement of images, hyperlinks, and sections on each page. Your storyboard and file structure should outline your homepage, inside pages, navigational scheme, and where you plan to add your form. This is a high-level design that you will be adjusting and changing throughout the quarter. You do not need to write this in HTML! In fact, it will save you time if you develop your storyboard in Word, PowerPoint, or Visio first, so you can make adjustments based on feedback.

Here are some online resources to help you think through the process:

Part Two

Based on your storyboard, you will begin to create your file structure for your site. It is never a good practice to keep all your files in the same folder.

For example, if you are developing a site that sells clothing for men, women, and children, you might have one folder for all the pages that house men’s clothing, another for women’s clothing, and so on.

You can create this portion in Word, indicating where each of your HTML pages will be located, as shown in Section 2.4: Links in Your Text.


Business Strategy d3

1) Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing share holder wealth.  How does exercising Christian principles play a part in running a successful business while operating within state and federal regulations? ( 350 words) 

2) 1 reply of 150 words

Written Assignment


This week’s journal article was focused on the Complexity of Information Systems Research in the Digital World. Complexity is increasing as new technologies are emerging every day. This complexity impacts human experiences. Organizations are turning to digitally enabled solutions to assist with the emergence of digitalization. 

Please review the article and define the various technologies that are emerging as noted in the article. Note how these emerging technologies are impacting organizations and what organizations can to do to reduce the burden of digitalization.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Note: This written assignment is a REQUIRED ASSIGNMENT it is worth one-hundred (100) points. You are required to answer the questions as stated in the assignment question in order to obtain credit for the assignment by the due date. If you do not complete the assignment by the due date, you will receive a zero (0) for this assignment. There is a grading criterion associated with this assignment. Your work will be compared to other’s work, using SafeAssign for plagiarism, so please note that copying other people’s responses will not be tolerated.

computer science

 explain the following

1. Build confidence with mock technical interview preparation and whiteboard challenges, get connected with top employers, and navigate your job search from end-to-end with a dedicated career coach. 

 2. Showcase your coding and collaboration skills to potential employers, creating full-stack web applications that leverage modern programming languages, frameworks, and tools.