Assignment Seven

In order to complete assignment #7 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #7). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday.

Chapter 12

1. HHS and the FTC recently launched an investigation into a major pharmacy chain for its information disposal practices. The regulators claimed that the pharmacy chain failed to protect customers’ sensitive financial and medical information by disposing prescriptions and labeled pill bottles in dumpsters that were accessible by the public. Based on the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), what consequences should a company face for failing to properly dispose of customer information? For HIPAA act, you may check the website.

Chapter 13

2. Trust is an important part of the continued growth and development of the Internet. This is particularly the case with respect to social networking. Media reports of disturbing stories and case law alike have shown some of the consequences that can arise when individuals create false social networking profiles. In a case in California, and individual established a fake MySpace profile of his former church pastor. On the profile, he posted content that suggested that the pastor used drugs and was homosexual. Can criminal charges be brought against the party that created the fake profile?

3. Read the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) at ED, discuss who has access to your educational record at APUS. Furthermore, what is the roles and responsibilities for APUS instructors and students to comply with FERPA



Question is regarding IT Management & Digital Transformation In the Business. On the HW 10 just do part 1 and part 2. Just answer to the question, keep it simple, straight forward. 

Convert the following C++ program into an x86 assembly language program. Make sure to use your “Chapter 8” understanding of advanced functions, parameter passing, and local variables. Post ONLY your ASM file here to Blackboard when complete


using namespace std;

int IsSemifauxtrifactored(int value)
    // Return 1 if a number’s factors/divisors from (value – 1) to 1 sum up to a quarter of the number value
    // Return 0 otherwise

    // A number is called “semifauxtrifactored” if its summed factors/divisors equal a quarter of the number itself
    // Integer division is used, so remainders on the halving can be lost
    // That’s why…

    // 7 is a semifauxtrifactored number
    // 7 divided by 4 with integer division is (7 / 4) = 1
    // 7 % 6 -> 1
    // 7 % 5 -> 2
    // 7 % 4 -> 3
    // 7 % 3 -> 1  
    // 7 % 2 -> 1  
    // 7 % 1 -> 0   FACTOR!
    // 7 is a semifauxtrifactored number since its factors (1) equal a quarter of the number (1)

    // 6 is a normal number
    // 6 divided by 4 with integer division is (6 / 4) = 1
    // 6 % 5 -> 1
    // 6 % 4 -> 2
    // 6 % 3 -> 0   FACTOR!
    // 6 % 2 -> 0   FACTOR!  
    // 6 % 1 -> 0   FACTOR!
    // 6 is a normal number since its factors (1 + 2 + 3) do not equal a quarter of the number (1)

int main()
    cout << "Enter a value: ";
    int value;
    cin >> value;
    value = IsSemifauxtrifactored(value);
    if (value == 1)
 cout << "The number is semifauxtrifactored!";
 cout << "The number is normal";

    cout << endl;



 Choose one of the aphorisms listed above.  Who first wrote/spoke the aphorism or where does it originate?  What does the aphorism mean?  What is the author’s truth?  Why do you agree or disagree with the aphorism and how if at all has it made you rethink what you thought about the topic before researching the aphorism?  How could you apply this “wisdom” to your life?     

2. “If you want a friend get a dog.”  

3. “It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.”  

4. “Nothing is certain but death and taxes.”  

5. “This too shall pass.”  

6. “Trust but verify.”  

7. “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”  

8. “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail .”  

9. “If you want something done right do it yourself.”  

10. “There’s nothing new under the sun.”  

11. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”  

12. “Less is more.”  

13. “Buy land.  They’re not making it anymore.”  

14. “Misery loves company.”  

15. “Be careful what you ask for.  You might get it.”  

16. “Work smart, not hard.”  

17. “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…”  

18. “Brevity is the soul of wit.”  

19. “A rose by any other name smells as sweet.”  

20. “Carpe diem.”  

 For composition exercises two and three please write: 1. (format) a 500-word composition.  Use Courier New, 12-point font and double space.   

2. (content) Your composition needs a main idea, major points and specific details.  Respond to the topic/aphorism in your first paragraph.  Present your main idea in the first paragraph.  Then use the rest of your 500-word limit to support your main idea.  You must cite from the material you’ve read to support your ideas. As Abraham Lincoln wrote, “It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion.”  Use two-three quotes from the sources in your composition to “fit” your interpretation of the aphorism.  

3. (focus) Stay focused on the topic.  Everything you write should have a connection to the topic and your main idea.   

4. (clarity) When you proofread check for common errors like fragments, run-on’s, commonly confused words, tense shift, subject-verb disagreement, spelling, etc.  Try to adhere to the KISS Principle.  Keep your sentences short and simple and divide your composition into paragraphs.

Portfolio Project


Select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.

Additional details can be found in attached document. 

linux proposal


You’ve won the business! Faster Computing has agreed to the project. As the final stage of pre-implementation, you have been asked to produce a training guide that will demonstrate how to install Linux and provide an overview of several common commands, as follows:

(11.1.3: Install the software.) 

  • Use a hypervisor of your choice to install Linux. Many hypervisors are available, such as Oracle’s VirtualBox, which is a free download. In addition, as part of UMGC’s agreement with VMware, you can download VMware Workstation for free. See below for specific screenshot requirements. You should include at least 3 screenshots (e.g., disk partitioning, timezone selection, creating the default account). Each screenshot should be accompanied by a brief explanation of what you did.
    NOTE: It is not necessary to include screenshots of installing the hypervisor software.

(1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.)

  • Demonstrate command-line operations that will provide the following information:
    • A listing of files in a directory and common file attributes
    • The current directory (hint: also known as the present working directory)
    • Create a file, then copy it to a different directory
    • Create a second file and move it to a different directory
    • Remove the first file, as well as the copy you created
    • The manual page for a given command
    • Create a text file, then use an editor to modify the content. Then display the content of the modified file

(1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.)

In the above section (demonstrate CLI operations) show the commands with options/arguments (e.g., ls, cp, mv, rm) in your documentation as well as in your screenshots. 

(11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.)

  • Show running processes on the system. Demonstrate how to search for a specific process
  • Forcibly stop a running process

In the above section (demonstrate CLI operations) show the commands with options/arguments (e.g., top, kill, -9, ps) in your documentation as well as in your screenshots. 

(13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.)

The deliverable for the final phase of the project is a written paper with screenshots. There is no minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the requirements must be met.  Use the Training Guide Template to record your work. This section will be graded upon the overall usefulness of the training guide to the organization.

(11.3.1: Add and update systems as required.) 

This portion of the training guide helps determine your submission is unique.

Important Requirement

On the final screenshot, you need to open a command line and type in the following commands (without the quotes):


“echo CMIT391”

“echo ” (Replace your name here with your name)

The recommended format is to provide screenshots incorporated within the written narrative. The screenshots must all be your own. Screenshots from external sources are not permitted. You must include the specific screenshot listed above or your project will not be accepted.

(1.1.4: Explain the relationship between the ideas presented to enhance clarity and comprehension.)

The training guide must have a cover page, an introduction, summary, and at least 3-5 references.

(1.2.2: Employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal.)

Employ proper spelling and grammar. All Linux commands must be lower case.

(2.2.3: Explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.)

In your conclusion of at least a paragraph, summarize why using Linux is beneficial for employees, management, and the organization as a whole.

Contingency Planning


Contingency Planning

Contingency planning is a risk mitigation process for developing back-up plans in anticipation of events (scenarios) that might disrupt ‘business as usual’. Business continuity planning is an expanded version of contingency planning that typically encompasses a more comprehensive and extended response plan for getting back to ‘business as usual’. In a well-formatted, highly-detailed research paper, address the need to contingency planning, ensuring to address the following items:

(1) Benefits of scenario events/planning.
(2) Questions to consider when implementing scenario planning.
(3) The common types of scenario planning.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.