assignment added the attached picture
Check each attachment!!
Risk Assessment
Briefly provide an overview/description of your fictitious company.
Identify and discuss the importance of risk assessment to the organization’s security framework? Discuss the five layers of risk.
Discussion 2
Discussion: This week we focus on the social and organizational issues that exist with better understanding why changes occurs. This week discuss the phases of change noted in the Linear Development in Learning Approaches section in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text.
Textbook Name — Information Technology and Organizational Learning text.
Note: The first post should be made by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., EST.
Just need my worked checked
I need my SQL assignment looked over. I’m currently using MS management studio
1. List the employee whose employee number is 100.
Select * from Employee where employee_Num=100;
2. List the Employee whose salary is between 50 K to 100k.
Select * from Employee where salary between 50000 and 100000;
Select * from Employee where salary >= 50000 and salary <= 100000;
3. List the Employees whose name starts with ‘Ami’.
Select * from Employees where name like ‘Ami%’;
4. List the Employees whose name starts with A and surname starts with S.
Select * from Employees where name like ‘A%’ and surname like ‘S%’;
5. List the Employees whos surname contains kar word.
Select * from Employees where surname like ‘%kar%’;
6. List the Employees whose name starts with P,B,R characters.
Select * from Employees where name like ‘[PBR]%’;
7. List the Employees whose name not starts with P,B,R characters.
Not Operator Symbol
Select * from Employees where name like ‘[!PBR]%’;
Not Operator
Select * from Employees where name not like ‘[PBR]%’;
8. Write a query to fetch first record from Employee table?
Select * from Employees where rownum=1;
9. Write a query to fetch the last record from Employees table?
Select * from Employees where rowid = select max(rowid) from Employee;
10. Write a query to find the 2nd highest salary of Employees using Self Join
Select * from Employees a where 2 = select count (distinct salary) from Employee where a.salary <= b.salary;
11. Write a query to display odd rows from the Employees table
Select * from(select rownum as rno,E.*from Employees E) where Mod(rno,2)=1;
12. Write a query to display even rows from the Employees table
Select * from(Select rownum as rno,E.* from Employees) where Mod(rno,2)=0;
13. Write a query to show the max salary and min salary together form Employees table
Select max (salary) from Employees
Select min (salary) from Employees;
14. Write a query to fetch all the record from Employee whose joining year is 2018
Select * from Employees where substr(convert(varchar,joining_date, 103),7,4)= ’2018′
15. Write a SQL Query to find maximum salary of each department
Select Dept_id,max(salary) from Employees group by Dept_id;
16. Write a query to find all Employees and their managers (Consider there is manager id also in Employee table).
Select e.employee_name,m.employee name from Employees e,Employees m where e.Employee_id=m.Manager_id;
17. Write a query to display 3 to 7 records from Employee table
Select * from (Select rownum as ‘No_of_Row’,E.* from Employee E)
18. Write a query to fetch common records from two different tables Employees and Employees1 which has not any joining conditions
Select * from Employees
Select * from Employees1;
19. Write a query to validate Email of Employee
Where NOT REGEXP_LIKE(Email, ‘[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}’, ‘i’);
20. Write a query to remove duplicate rows from Employees table
Select Employee_No FROM Employees WHERE ROWID < >
(Select max (rowid) form Employees b where Employee_No =b.Employee_No);
BI and Chryptography
Q1. evaluate the history of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and then how it has transformed cryptography with the advancement of triple DES. You must use at least one scholarly resource. Every discussion posting must be properly APA formatted. (250 to 300 words)
Q2. What is the relationship between Naïve Bayes and Bayesian networks? What is the process of developing a Bayesian networks model?Your response should be 250-300 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
Q3.List and briefly describe the nine-step process in con-ducting a neural network project.Your response should be 250-300 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
Q4. Complete the following assignment in one MS word document and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. (Each below question 150 words)
1.What is an artificial neural network and for what types of problems can it be used?
2.Compare artificial and biological neural networks. What aspects of biological networks are not mimicked by arti- ficial ones? What aspects are similar?
3.What are the most common ANN architectures? For what types of problems can they be used?4.ANN can be used for both supervised and unsupervised learning. Explain how they learn in a supervised mode and in an unsupervised mode.
5.Go to Google Scholar ( Conduct a search to find two papers written in the last five years that compare and contrast multiple machine-learning methods for a given problem domain. Observe com- monalities and differences among their findings and prepare a report to summarize your understanding.
6.What is deep learning? What can deep learning do that traditional machine-learning methods cannot?
7.List and briefly explain different learning paradigms/ methods in AI.
8.What is representation learning, and how does it relate to machine learning and deep learning?
9.List and briefly describe the most commonly used ANN activation functions.
10. What is MLP, and how does it work? Explain the function of summation and activation weights in MLP-type ANN.
11. Cognitive computing has be come a popular term to define and characterize the extent of the ability of machines/ computers to show “intelligent” behavior. Thanks to IBM Watson and its success on Jeopardy!, cognitive computing and cognitive analytics are now part of many real- world intelligent systems. In this exercise, identify at least three application cases where cognitive computing was used to solve complex real-world problems. Summarize your findings in a professionally organized report.
ET WK3 – S
Research Paper – 5 Full pages
Contingency Planning
Contingency planning is a risk mitigation process for developing back-up plans in anticipation of events (scenarios) that might disrupt ‘business as usual’. Business continuity planning is an expanded version of contingency planning that typically encompasses a more comprehensive and extended response plan for getting back to ‘business as usual’. In a well-formatted, highly-detailed research paper, address the need to contingency planning, ensuring to address the following items:
(1) Benefits of scenario events/planning.
(2) Questions to consider when implementing scenario planning.
(3) The common types of scenario planning.
Your paper should meet these requirements:
- Be approximately 5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques
Wang, H.-M. (2003). Contingency planning: emergency preparedness for terrorist attacks. IEEE 37th Annual 2003 International Carnahan Conference OnSecurity Technology, 2003. Proceedings., Security Technology, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE 37th Annual 2003 International Carnahan Conference on, Security Technology, 535–543.
Parametric and Non Parametric Analyses
Part 1
A principal wants to determine if a new ACT preparation program is effective. The data are contained in the schools.sav data file. Open the schools.sav file in SPSS. Use SPSS to determine whether a significant improvement existed between student performance on ACT tests in 1993 (act93) and ACT tests in 1994 (act94). Assume that the same students were involved in 1993 and 1994 testing. (This requires a t-test. Review Chapter 10 of the Green & Salkind text for information on paired t-tests and reporting APA results interpretation and writing.)
Create a report that answers the principal’s question. Write these conclusions in formal APA results format. Include your SPSS output to support your conclusion.
Part 2
A pharmaceutical company wants to determine whether there is a need for a new medication based on the data in the electric.sav file. Specifically, they want to determine whether a person is alive or dead 10 years after a coronary incident and whether that is reflected in a significant difference in the patients’ cholesterol levels (chol58) taken when the event occurred. Use chol58 as a dependent variable and VITAL10 as your independent variable. Complete the following:
- Analyze these conditions to determine whether there is a significant difference between the cholesterol levels (vital10) of those who are alive 10 years later compared to those who died within 10 years.
- Include the SPSS output, which validates your conclusion.
- Write a brief paragraph describing your conclusions.
Refer to Unit 6 in the Green & Salkind text for specific information about SPSS tests and APA results interpretation and writing. Pay attention to the Levene’s test throughout for determining whether the assumption of equal variance was met when you make your final decisions about the analysis.
What conclusion did you reach? Write these conclusions in formal APA results format. Include your SPSS output to support that conclusion.
Part 3
Occasionally, you have 1 independent variable that has 3 or more levels or groups. For a parametric data set, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the proper calculation. Use an ANOVA to address the following scenario:
A financial planner is interested in understanding the relationship between the dependent variable of the income level of respondents (rincdol) and the independent variable of their education level (ndegree) from the gss.sav data file. Use SPSS to complete the following:
- Run an ANOVA to determine the overall conclusion.
- Use the Bonferroni correction as a post-hoc analysis to determine the relationship of specific levels of degree level to income.
- Explain the overall conclusions based on the analysis, and describe the relationship(s) between the levels of the degree earned and income.
- Write your conclusion of the findings based upon the output using proper APA formatting.
Submit both the SPSS output file and your Word summary. (Refer to the Green & Salkind section about a one-way ANOVA for information on APA results interpretation and writing.)
Discussion about CIA
Write at least 500 words analyzing a subject you find in this article:
related to a threat to confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data. Use an example from the news.
Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.
Week 4 discussion
Create one discussion thread and answer the following questions:
(Chapter 5): How is the implementation of network security similar and different between on-perm and cloud environments? Give some examples.
(Chapter 6): How is the management of network security similar and different between on-perm and cloud environments? Give some examples.
Note: The first post should be made by Wednesday 11:59ET and you should post at least two more times throughout the week to your classmates. Please engage early and often.
Your initial post should be 250-300 words. There must be at least two APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support your thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.