Discuss activities that occur during the problem definition phase of the system development life cycle.
Describe at least THREE ACTIVITIES that you consider most important and why.
Discuss activities that occur during the problem definition phase of the system development life cycle.
Describe at least THREE ACTIVITIES that you consider most important and why.
From your research, discuss whether or not your organization has ISO 27001 certification. Outside of overall protection from cyber-attacks, describe, in detail, some other benefits your organization will achieve in obtaining this certification. If your company does not have this certification, how can they go about obtaining it?
Present your discussion post as if you were presenting to senior leaders of your company.
At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.
Final Exam DPEE
· For demonstrating conceptual understanding, you are required to work on the model that is easier to handle or compute, not necessarily the more suitable (or more complicated) model for the dataset. Follow the question description.
· You don’t need to check the assumption of a model unless the question asks for it. For example, if the question asks you to make prediction based on a model, you don’t need to check the assumption for the model before making prediction.
· For any of the testing (hypothesis test) problem, define Ho/Ha, compute the test statistic, report the exact p value, and state the conclusion. The default alpha value is 5%, unless specify.
· Elaborate your reasoning clearly and show relevant plots, R results, and tables to support your opinion in each step and conclusion.
· Submit the Rmd file and the corresponding pdf file knitted from it, along with your answer, this format is similar to your homework.
· The data is real, just like the project you are working on. Hence it is possible that even after the remedial method has been done, the model is still not perfect. When this happens, evaluation will be based on the level you execute the methods covered in Stat512 to improve the model. Don’t worry if your model is not perfect, try your best to demonstrate the skill set you learn in this class.
Study the data with a linear analysis and complete the problems. The data set, dataDPEE.csv has 3 continues predictors and two categorical predictors.
Problem 1. Consider only the first order model with X1, X2 and X3, perform the following hypothesis.
a. (10) whether X1 can be dropped from the full model.
> dpeemod <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
> plot(dpee)
> summary(dpeemod)
lm(formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-15.948 -11.640 -1.480 6.402 31.650
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 90.79017 22.07408 4.113 0.00106 **
x1 -0.68731 0.47959 -1.433 0.17377
x2 -0.47047 0.24227 -1.942 0.07254 .
x3 -0.06845 0.46523 -0.147 0.88513
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 14.75 on 14 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6257, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5455
F-statistic: 7.8 on 3 and 14 DF, p-value: 0.002652
Ho: X1 is significant and cannot be dropped from the model.
Ha: X1 can be dropped from the model.
Using the model Y~X1 + X2 + X3,
b. (10) whether X1 can be dropped from the model containing only X1 and X2.
Problem 2 (10) Consider the first order model with X1, X2 and X3, simultaneously estimate parameters (beta1, beta2 and beta3) with a confidence level of 75%.
Problem 3 (20) Perform appropriate analysis to diagnose the potential issues with the first order full mode with X1 X2 and X3, improve the model as much as possible with the methods covered in Stat512. You should also consider the assumption checking for your revised model.
Problem 4
a. (10) Compute AIC, BIC, and PRESSP to compare the following two models.
· The model on the first order terms for X1 and X2 and the interaction term X1X2.
· The model on the first order terms for X1, X2 and X3
Do they all yield the same better model? If not, explain.
b. (10) Select the model that you think is better to predict the mean response value, then predict the mean response for the following case, at a confident level of 99%.
Problem 5
X4 and X5 are two factors on Y.
a. (10) Is there any significant interaction effect between X4 and X5 on Y?
b. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for the following difference, respectively:
D1= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=high, X5=less) and (X4=high, X5=more)
D2= The difference in the mean of Y when (X4=low, X5=less) and (X4=low, X5=more)
c. (10) With the ANOVA method, compute the 95% confidence interval for
Where D1 and D2 are described in b.
How is your result related to a?
Provide an example from the last two years of unethical leadership and explain why the leadership was unethical. Describe what ethical leadership would have done in the situation. Provide links to additional information about this unethical leadership event.
Due in next 4 days.
Please read the four documents and reply back with the responses with 150 words
Discuss a particular type of Malware and how has it been used in “todays news” and the respective impact on cyber security. Add to your discussion ways the Malware could have been detected and potentially avoided.
For this assignment, download the GSA virtual appliance vulnerability assessment tool by clicking the link. Install the GSA virtual appliance in your VirtualBox environment. Next review the video below about conducting a vulnerability scan using GSA/openvas. Conduct a scan against the Linux Lamp Server virtual machine you created doing week 3. Download the report in a PDF and submit. Provide a summary about how this assignment represents securing the cloud.
For this assignment, you are to construct a visual story of yourself, through information.
You have a lot of leeway with this assignment, but I want you to come up with an interesting and informative way to tell someone something about yourself, or to somehow track a particular characteristic or event. What is important, what is not? How does it relate to other things? If you can describe yourself in a paragraph, how would you describe yourself in a visual? Can you pick out a little piece of your experience of life and use graphical structure to tell this story, and even learn from it?
Think of this as building something like a resumé (meaning: “summary”) or curriculum vitae (“story of life”), but constructed through graphical structures rather than words, and topically about something broader than your skills and job history. This visual should investigate and show something about yourself that is interesting, unique, and perhaps quirky.
You can, and likely will, choose to concentrate on a particular area or subset of yourself rather than trying to incorporate everything, but you should try to make a coherent point, statement, or story with this visual. Incorporate as much or as little as you want.
This visual can be based on real data, if you have it, or it can be based on pseudo-data — approximations and an organizational sense, even if there is not true “data” to back it up. The point is rather to come up with a way to visually arrange, organize, and communicate.
You can choose to organize your graphic through some mechanism of time, space, flow, connection, overlap, impact, interest, happiness, …