Assignment and Discussion

 Week 6 – Discussion 

Explain in your own words why you believe planning is important. Select one of the following businesses: a large bank, a government agency, or a hospital, and explain which systems you feel are mission critical. Then explain how the loss of these systems would affect the organization.

Internet Research – WK 6

Go online and search for information about companies that have been harmed or bankrupted by a disaster. Choose one such company and create a brief case study about it. Successful narratives will focus on the manner in which the organization was impacted, including financial losses, losses of sales, or the need for layoffs. Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.


Week 6 Assignment

  • 6.2 What protocols comprise TLS?
  • 6.3 What is the difference between a TLS connection and a TLS session?
  • 6.4 List and briefly define the parameters that define a TLS session state.
  • 6.5 List and briefly define the parameters that define a TLS session connection.
  • 6.6 What services are provided by the TLS Record Protocol?
  • 6.7 What steps are involved in the TLS Record Protocol transmission?
  • 6.8 What is the purpose of HTTPS?
  • 6.9 For what applications is SSH useful?
  • 6.10 List and briefly define the SSH protocols.

Write a short paper, 400-500 words on herasay rule

Do a bit of research on the hearsay rule in legal proceedings. In your own words, explain the hearsay rule and describe how it relates to the concept of an expert witness. 


Use References. Include quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. 

It should be Plagiarism free.

Network Security

See the following steps.

1. Accept a user password of length N as keyboard input to your program. You can determine your own length N.

2. Compute the hash of the password from step 1.

Your hash function H() is simply the checksum. (See Assignment 2)

3. Now you become an attacker and try to find the password of length N.

Try every combination of length N password and for each combination, compute the hash and compare to the hash of the password from step 2.

Measure execution time.

4. Now let’s reinforce our password using the password salt. Accept an arbitrary non-negative integer number as keyboard input to your program.

5. Compute the hash of the concatenated password salt and password from step 4 and step 1. To compute the password salt portion of the checksum, you can treat the entire password salt as EITHER a single integer OR multiple one-byte integers.

6. Now you become an attacker and try to find the concatenated password salt and password.

Try every combination of an arbitrary non-negative integer number and length N password and for each combination, compute the hash and compare to the hash from step 5.

Measure execution time.

NOTE: your program should have separate functions for the checksum and the two dictionary attacks with and without the password salt by the attacker.

in python | c++ any please

Here is the assignment 2 which has checkSum function ….


using namespace std;

//checksum function to add all the characters of the string in ASCII codes

long checksum(string input)


//here we change the string value to ASCII value

long value = 0;

for (char a : input)

value+= (int)a;

return value;


// function for the message modification by the attacker.

string modification(string input)


string total = “”;

for (char a : input)


total += min(126, a + 1);


return total;


int main()


//here we accept the message from the user

string message;

//asking user input

cout << "Pease enter the message: ";

//storing the user input

cin >> message;

//here we accept secret key from the user

string secretKey;

//asking the secret key

cout << "Please enter the sender secret key: ";

//storing the secret key

cin >> secretKey;

string finalMessage= secretKey + message;

//here calling the function checksum

long sender_checksum = checksum(finalMessage);

// here we accept attack secret from user

string attackKey;

cout << "Please enter the attacker secret key: ";

cin >> attackKey;

// here we modify original message from calling above function

string modifiedMessage = modification(message);

// here is the final attacker msg

string finalattackMessage = attackKey + modifiedMessage;

//here we compute the checksum

long attackerChecksum = checksum(finalattackMessage);

// here concatenate secret of sender and modified msg

string finalsenderModified = secretKey + modifiedMessage;

// here compute the checksum

long sendermodifiedChecksum = checksum(finalsenderModified);

cout << "The sender original checksum is: " << sender_checksum << "n";

cout << "The attacker checksum is: " << attackerChecksum<< "n";

cout << "The sender modified checksum is: " << sendermodifiedChecksum << "nn";

//compare chekcsum from steps 7 and 6

if (attackerChecksum == sendermodifiedChecksum)

cout << "The attacker checksum and sender modified checksum are equal";


cout << "The attacker checksum and sender modified checksum are not equal";

cout << "nn";

//compare checksums from steps 3 and 6

if (sender_checksum == attackerChecksum)

cout << "The original sender checksum and attacker checksum are equal";


cout << "The original sender checksum and attacker checksum are not equal"<<"n";

//returns nothing

return 0;


700words: Leadership

1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.

2. Review table 11.1, define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…).  Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.

3. Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.

Wireless Security & Forensics

1) In your own words, describe the process of “validation” (per the text).

2) What are the concerns of evidence contamination? How can you protect against this issue?

3) What consent to search requirements would you have if you were asked to provide support in an investigation of a device? Please response with whatever would be necessary.

. No Plagiarism 

· Should be 400 words without References.

REFER chapter-1 to 4


Project papers


Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

Research information about two current data mining projects being conducted.

  • What are possible benefits that these projects offer?
  • What are criticisms of the projects?
  • What techniques could be implemented to improve on the criticisms?

Due: Check Course Schedule for due date.

  • Provide three articles to substantiate the above three questions.
  • Use APA format to provide a citation for each of the articles you read.
  • Suggestion: Use a search engine (Google) and keywords.

fn wk 8

Please read “R3: Putting the ‘Fin’ Back into Fintech” case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.

1.How does Fintech compare to regular banking?2. Discuss R3 and its distributed ledger technology mission.3. What are some of the applications of cords and strategies of growing and expanding?4. What are some of the emerging markets that Fintech has impacted?

Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all s

ources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page

Java HW help


Q1: Treasure Cave

Imagine you find a hidden cave filled with with N different types of metal bars
(gold, silver, platinum, steel, etc.) Each type of metal bar has some value
vi, and there are xi bars of that metal in the cave
(for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, … N-1). You want to bring back as many bars as of the
treasure as you can, but your bag can only fit W bars. How do you choose how
many bars of each metal to bring home to maximize the total value?

For example, if your bag can store 7 bars and you have gold, silver, platinum,
and steel in these quantities:

[4, 10, 2, 4] // 4 bars of gold, 10 silver, 2 platinum, 4 steel

and these values

[3, 1, 5, 2]  // gold worth 3 per bar, silver worth 1, platinum 5, steel 2

Then you would want to take this much of each metal

[4, 0, 2, 1]  // all the gold, no silver, all the platinum, 1 steel bar

             // for a total value of 24 (4*3 + 2*5 + 1*2)

Write bestValue() which takes in an integer W, an array of counts, and an
array of values. It should return the best value you can earn by picking the
bars optimally. Your code should run in O(nlogn).

  • Hint #1: This can be done using a Greedy approach.
  • Hint #2: Consider sorting with a custom Comparator


Q2. Treasure Cave with Fused Bars–Value

Now assume that for each type of metal, all of the bars are fused together so
that you’re forced to all the bars of a certain type, or none of them.

This means that you sometimes should not take the metal that has the highest
value, because it either will not fit all in your bag (since you have to take
all the bars), or other metals of lesser will be worth more overall value when
combined together.

Write bestValueForFused, which takes in the arguments from above, and returns
the value of the best picks possible.

bestValueForFused(4, [], []) // 0 (the cave is empty)

bestValueForFused(4, [4, 10, 2], [3, 1, 5]) // 12 (take metal 0, even though metal 2 is worth more per bar)

bestValueForFused(4, [4, 2, 2], [3, 2, 5]) // 14 (take metal 1 and metal 2)

bestValueForFused(6, [4, 2, 1], [3, 3, 5]) // 18 (take metal 0 and metal 1)
  • Hint #1: Greedy won’t work here.
  • Hint #2: Start by computing the total value of each metal (i.e. the number
    of bars * value per bar).
  • Hint #3: For each metal, you can either take it or not. If you take it, your
    bag capacity decreases by the corresponding amount. How could you translate this
    idea into a recursive subproblem?

Q3. Treasure Cave with Fused Bars–Picks

This question is optional and worth extra credit.
Write bestPicksForFused(), which solves Q2 but returns an array of bools, where
each element in the array describes whether we picked metal i.

bestPicksForFused(4, [], []) // []

bestValueForFused(4, [4, 10, 2], [3, 1, 5]) // [true, false, false]

bestValueForFused(4, [4, 2, 2], [3, 2, 5]) // [false, true, true]

bestValueForFused(6, [4, 2, 1], [3, 3, 5]) // [true, true, false]



public class HW7 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Q1
   System.out.println(bestValue(7, new int[] {}, new int[] {})); // 0
   System.out.println(bestValue(7, new int[] { 4 }, new int[] { 1 })); // 4
   System.out.println(bestValue(7, new int[] { 4, 10, 2, 4 }, new int[] { 3, 1, 5, 2 })); // 24 [5,3,2,1] //24
   System.out.println(bestValue(7, new int[] { 4, 10, 2, 4 }, new int[] { 3, 3, 5, 2 })); // 25
   System.out.println(bestValue(7, new int[] { 4, 10, 2, 4 }, new int[] { 3, 5, 5, 2 })); // 35

// Q2
   System.out.println(bestValueForFused(4, new int[] {}, new int[] {})); // 0
   System.out.println(bestValueForFused(4, new int[] { 4 }, new int[] { 1 })); // 4
   System.out.println(bestValueForFused(4, new int[] { 4, 10, 2 }, new int[] { 3, 1, 5 })); // 12
   System.out.println(bestValueForFused(4, new int[] { 4, 2, 2 }, new int[] { 3, 2, 5 })); // 14
   System.out.println(bestValueForFused(6, new int[] { 4, 2, 1 }, new int[] { 3, 3, 5 })); // 18
   System.out.println(bestValueForFused(6, new int[] { 4, 2, 1 }, new int[] { 3, 2, 9 })); // 21 (3*4+9*1)

// Q3
   System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestPicksForFused(4, new int[] {}, new int[] {}))); // []    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestPicksForFused(4, new int[] { 4 }, new int[] { 1 }))); // [true]    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestPicksForFused(4, new int[] { 4, 10, 2 }, new int[] { 3, 1, 5 }))); // [true, false,false]    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestPicksForFused(4, new int[] { 4, 2, 2 }, new int[] { 3, 2, 5 }))); // [false, true, true]    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestPicksForFused(6, new int[] { 4, 2, 1 }, new int[] { 3, 3, 5 }))); // [true, true, false]    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bestPicksForFused(6, new int[] { 4, 2, 1 }, new int[] { 3, 2, 9 }))); // [true,false,true]


public static int bestValue(int W, int[] counts, int values[]) {
return 0;

public static int bestValueForFused(int W, int[] counts, int values[]) {


private static int bestValueForFused(int W, int[] counts, int values[], int MetalIndex) {

public static boolean[] bestPicksForFused(int W, int[] counts, int values[]) {
return null;


import java.util.*;

public class MetalBar implements Comparable {

private int value;
private int count;

public MetalBar(int value, int count) {
this.value = value;
this.count = count;

public int getValue() {
return value;

public int getCount() {
return count;

public int compareTo(MetalBar otherBar) {
return, value);

public String toString() {
return String.format(“MetalBar(%d, %d)”, value, count);



Review in 500 words or more the video above called Cloud Security Myths.