Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, but body measurements can also provide a general picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture—among other factors—are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information can be a delicate process. Explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their health and weight.
For this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values.
Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests.
The assigned Assessment Tool/Diagnostic Test is Colonoscopy
Description how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.
What is the purpose of Colonoscopy?
How is Covid Colonoscopy conducted?
What information does it gather?
Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition, advanced practice nurses can use a diverse selection of diagnostic tests and assessment tools; however, different factors affect the validity and reliability of the results produced by these tests or tools. Nurses must be aware of these factors in order to select the most appropriate test or tool and to accurately interpret the results.
Not only do these diagnostic tests affect adults, but body measurements can also provide a general picture of whether a child is receiving adequate nutrition or is at risk for health issues. These data, however, are just one aspect to be considered. Lifestyle, family history, and culture—among other factors—are also relevant. That said, gathering and communicating this information can be a delicate process. Explore how you could effectively gather information and encourage parents and caregivers to be proactive about their health and weight.
For this Assignment, you will consider the validity and reliability of different assessment tools and diagnostic tests. You will explore issues such as sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values.
Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests.
The assigned Assessment Tool/Diagnostic Test is Colonoscopy
Description how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.
What is the purpose of Colonoscopy?
How is Covid Colonoscopy conducted?
What information does it gather?
Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.
Question 1: PICOT
P= The research will use secondary research conducted within the last 10 years.
I= A systematic research review method will be applied to provide a review of the existing research regarding the topic.
C= Comparison between the mortality rates between active smokers and non-smokers who quit smoking before age 4
O= Determine impacts of smoking on mortality rates of individuals.
T= The time needed for the research is one and half months to complete an adequate review of existing research.
Question 2: Objective
Determine the risks of smoking and advantages of ceasing the habit.
Due to the persistence of the smoking behaviors within the contemporary society, there is an increase in awareness regarding the hazardousness of the behavior. The research aims at increasing advocacy against by incorporating various research results regarding adverse health impacts of smoking to provide a more generalizable result for reducing smoking behaviors, especially among the young populations.
Introduction: Provide an overview of what will be covered in the assignment. Introduction should include general statements on scope of practice, competencies, and leadership, and identification of the purpose of the assignment.
APN Scope of Practice: Research the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of practice guidelines for the state in which you intend to practice after graduation. (Example: Students who intend to practice in California must research the California Nurse Practice Act and relevant Board of Registered Nursing regulations, such as obtaining a DEA number, and prescriptive requirements). Describe the educational, licensure, and regulatory requirements for that state in your own words. Identify whether your state allows full, limited, or restricted NP practice. Discuss NP prescriptive authority in your state. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be the regulatory body that governs nursing practice in your state. (Students who intend to practice in California, include the use of written standard procedures that guide nurse practitioner practice in the state and physician supervision ratios).
Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies: Review the NONPF Core Competencies. Describe two competency areas you believe to be personal strengths and two competency areas in which you have opportunities for growth. Discuss two scholarly activities you could do during the master’s program to help yourself achieve NP competencies. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be NONPF Core Competencies document provided via the link in the week 2 readings.
Leadership Skills: Analyze three leadership skills required to lead as an NP within complex systems. Describe two strategies you could use to help you develop NP leadership skills. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources.
Conclusion: Provide a conclusion, including a of what you discussed in the assignment.
Determine the attributes that help form the professional nurses’ identity.
Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism.
As a nursing student, you have a vision of your core values and expectations as a professional nurse. In this assignment, create a plan to guide you as you form your professional identity.
This formation will include the following:
Describe the meaning of nursing professionalism identity
Identify the most important professional identity characteristics/attributes
Explain how you will adapt these characteristics/attributes in the clinical setting
Reflect on your educational journey and describe how this shaped your professional identity.
Create your goals for continued professional identity formation during your career as a nurse.
Provide stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.
The purpose of this assignment is to apply the principles of pharmacology to support evidence-based prescribing practices for the management of common diseases of the endocrine system. This assignment allows students to use clinical practice guidelines to guide treatment decisions for common patient scenarios in the clinical setting.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
· CO 1: Identify the most commonly prescribed agents in the major drug classes. (POs 1, 2)
· CO 2: Make appropriate evidence-based therapeutic treatment decisions for individual patients utilizing drugs from the major drug classes.(POs 1, 2)
· CO 3: Apply knowledge of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenomics in prescribing patient treatment. (POs 1, 2)
· CO 4: Distinguish internal and external environment factors affecting drug action, reaction, efficacy, and interaction. (POs 1, 2)
· CO 5: Identify client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses and side effects to drug therapy. (POs 1, 2)
Due Date
· The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
· The assignment title is due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 5.
Total Points Possible 110
Preparing the Assignment
· Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
· There are three patient cases presented in this assignment. You are to use the following to answer the questions.
· When you click on the resource links, the links will open in a new window so you will be able to navigate between the resources and the quiz.
· Rosenthal, L., Burchum, J. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants (2nd ed.). Elsevier.
You will be presented with a patient case and then a series of questions. This assignment is completed in a quiz format; however, it is not an exam and you are encouraged to use your textbook and course materials. There are 12 questions worth 9 points each and an attestation question worth 2 points for a total of 110 points.
· Review the case information and then answer each required question with a succinct, informative answer.
· Answers should be one to five sentences in length.
· Some questions may require a short one-sentence answer, whereas others require a five-sentence answer for a complete explanation.
· Consider the most common and obvious answer.
· A scholarly reference is required for answers where a source such as textbook or clinical practice guideline is used to develop your response.
· Feedback is provided immediately after completing this assignment only. The feedback provided is general and non-specific to protect the integrity of this assignment due to the unfortunate nature of answer sharing among many students.
Lockdown browser is not required and there are no keyed correct answers to review. Course faculty will post assignment feedback for your review in the gradebook when grading is complete. There is no time limit for this assignment. It needs to be completed in one sitting and should be completed at the time it is begun as your answers may not be saved to return to it later.
When you are ready to begin this assignment, click the “Take the Quiz” button near the bottom of this page.
26. Kang J, Cho YS, Jeong YJ, Kim SG, Yun S, Shim M. Development and validation of a measurement to
assess person-centered critical care nursing. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2018; 48:323–334.
10.4040/jkan.2018.48.3.323 PMID: 29968688
27. Foà C, Cavalli L, Maltoni A, Tosello N, Sangilles C, Maron I, et al. Communications and relationships between patient and nurse in intensive care unit: knowledge, knowledge of the work, knowledge of the
emotional state. Acta Bio-med. 2016; 87:71–82.
28. Azoulay E, Herridge M. Understanding ICU staff burnout: the show must go on. Am J Respirat Crit Care
Med. 2011; 184:1099–1100.
29. Dithole K, Sibanda S, Moleki MM, Thupayagale-Tshweneagae G. Exploring communication challenges
between nurses and mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit: a structured review.
Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2016; 13:197–206. PMID: 26860230
30. Martinho CI, Rodrigues IT. Communication of mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units.
Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2016; 28:132–140. PMID:
31. Song YG, Yun EK. Model for unplanned self extubation of ICU patients using system dynamics
approach. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2015; 45:280–292. PMID:
32. Samuelson KA. Adult intensive care patients’ perception of endotracheal tube-related discomforts: a
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Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect them to the didactic learning you gain from your NRNP courses. Focused SOAP notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care.
For this Assignment, you will document information about a patient that you examined during the last three weeks, using the Focused SOAP Note Template provided. You will then use this note to develop and record a case presentation for this patient.
To Prepare
· Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide. Also review the Kaltura Media Uploader resource in the left-hand navigation of the classroom for help creating your self-recorded Kaltura video.
· Select a patient of any age (either a child or an adult) that you examined during the last 3 weeks.
· Create a Focused SOAP Note on this patient using the template provided in the Learning Resources. There is also a completed Focused SOAP Note Exemplar provided to serve as a guide to assignment expectations.
· PleaseNote:
· All SOAP notes must be signed, and each page must be initialed by your Preceptor. Note: Electronic signatures are not accepted.
· When you submit your note, you should include the complete focused SOAP note as a Word document and PDF/images of each page that is initialed and signed by your Preceptor.
· You must submit your SOAP note using SafeAssign. Note: If both files are not received by the due date, faculty will deduct points per the Walden Grading Policy.
· Then, based on your SOAP note of this patient, develop a video case study presentation. Take time to practice your presentation before you record.
· Include at least five scholarly resources to support your assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning.
· Ensure that you have the appropriate lighting and equipment to record the presentation.
The Assignment
Record yourself presenting the complex case study for your clinical patient. In your presentation:
· Dress professionally and present yourself in a professional manner.
· Display your photo ID at the start of the video when you introduce yourself.
· Ensure that you do not include any information that violates the principles of HIPAA (i.e., don’t use the patient’s name or any other identifying information).
· Present the full complex case study. Include chief complaint; history of present illness; any pertinent past psychiatric, substance use, medical, social, family history; most recent mental status exam; current psychiatric diagnosis including differentials that were ruled out; and plan for treatment and management.
· Report normal diagnostic results as the name of the test and “normal” (rather than specific value). Abnormal results should be reported as a specific value.
· Be succinct in your presentation, and do not exceed 8 minutes. Specifically address the following for the patient, using your SOAP note as a guide:
· Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
· Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
· Assessment: Discuss their mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and supported by the patient’s symptoms.
· Plan: What was your plan for psychotherapy? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. Also be sure to include at least one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy.
· Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? If you are able to follow up with your patient, explain whether these interventions were successful and why or why not. If you were not able to conduct a follow up, discuss what your next intervention would be.
This information is also found in the Student Handbook.
Develop a personal philosophy focusing on the central concerns of nursing. The fundamental elements are to be included; others may be chosen if desired. Use at least two references to support your point of view. One reference must be research based from a nursing journal.
A philosophy of nursing is by its very nature, a very individualized, personal statement based on subjective life experiences and adoption of particular world views. As such, the grading of this project will rest solely on the “depth and breadth” of the philosophical inquiry guided by the questions. Total points possible for this project are 15. This is not a simple exercise. Put thought into this. It is your personal philosophy of nursing. Please answer the questions below: Personal Knowing 1. Examine your personal beliefs and baccalaureate nursing education.
(Write an overall introduction of your personal beliefs about being a baccalaureate prepared nurse). Ontological Questioning 2. To develop a personal philosophy of nursing: one must focus on the central concerns of the discipline. This would include, for example, the nature of human beings and the life process. From the perspective of nursing, attempt to answer the following questions which reflect the fundamental elements of nursing and any others you may choose to incorporate:
a. What is society – of whom is it composed, and what is the nature of the relationships among its constituents including self in the role of the nurse? Where do you, as a professional nurse, fit into the picture and landscape of community? b. What are your central beliefs about the individual person, and that individual’s potential? The individual’s ability to learn, change, and heal? The family? The community? Your role as a professional nurse in these processes and relationships? c. What constitutes the environment? How do human beings and the environment interact? What contextual importance does it have for the focus of the discipline of nursing. d. What is your view(s) of health? Is it a continuum? A unidirectional phenomenon? A state? A process? Achieved/maintained alone or in unison with others? e. How do illness and wellness relate to health? f. What is the central reason for the existence of nursing and your calling to it? g. Who is the recipient of your nursing call? h. How does self-discovery and knowledge development occur in nurse-client relationships.Empirical Knowing 3. From the perspective of a philosopher’s concern with knowledge, Epistemological attempt to answer the following questions that reflect the Questioning essential elements of the scientific discipline of nursing: a. What do you believe is the nursing process? b. From what cognitive base does the professional nurse operate? Critical thinking? Problem-solving methodology? c. How do you implement the nursing process as you define it? What is necessary in the application of knowledge? d. How is the theory base for nursing derived? e. What is the theoretical framework for the profession? Is there room for diversity of thought, or is unity conceptual? Ethical and Esthetic 4.From the philosopher’s concern with ethics and esthetics, attempt Knowing to answer the following questions reflecting the valuation elements of nursing:
a. What are the essential rights and responsibilities of the professional nurse? b. What are the essential rights and responsibilities of the recipient of nursing care? c. How do your beliefs about nursing guide the research, education, administration and practice components of your role as a professional nurse? d. What are the governing ethical principles in the delivery of nursing care and the conduct of nursing research? e. What are your beliefs about the educational requirements and the focus of education for the practice of the profession? f. What are your beliefs about the teaching-learning process? g. What do you believe is needed for your continued development of esthetic knowing or responsiveness in nurse-client interactions?
An ongoing challenge for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) has been changing state legislation that allow APRNs to practice to the fullest extent to which they were academically prepared. For this discussion question, contact the Board of Nursing (BON) in your state or access your BON online. Examine laws that govern APRNs in your state. Consider the following: do APRNs in your state have prescriptive authority; is there legislation in place that allows them to practice autonomously; and finally, if a bill has been passed and adopted, which legislator introduced the bill and who were the strongest advocates for the bill? Then post an initial response that addresses the following:
Explain how the lack of autonomy for APRNs impact patients in rural populations? As a health care professional in an advocacy role, what resources could you utilize to guide you in changing policies that impact APRNS in your state? Include in your discussion the type of stakeholders and collaborative partners you would seek to guide or assist you on this cause. initial 400 APA words, makeup 2 replies to 2 students 200 words each.
Florence Nightingale was a leader in nursing whose writings led to the foundation of many of our current nursing philosophies and theoretical models. Although there have been significant changes in our society and health care since her era, one can identify evidence of her writings and practice in current nursing practice.
For this assignment, read “Nightingale’s Environmental Theory” published by Margaret Hegge in Nursing Science Quarterly 26(3), 211-219. The article can be accessed on the D’Youville College Library website. In this article, Dr. Hegge describes the environmental theory from Nightingale’s experiences. In your writing, please address the following topics:
Introduction to the main topic of the paper.(Begin with “The purpose of this paper is to…..” and then discuss the main points of the paper)
Describe Nightingale’s Theory.
Explain the current (actual or potential) environmental problem faced by patients or communities. Be sure that the problem is within the past 5 years and show the impact of the environment on the health problem. Discuss political influences, policy issues, and legal influences on the problem. Examples of current environmental problems include: Covid 19, Flint Water Crisis, Air pollution etc.
Compare and contrast one other discipline (e.g., PT, OT, Pharmacy, Social Work, Nutrition etc.) with nursing in examining the problem.
Discuss stakeholders and resources involved in examining the problem
Discuss outcomes. How will you measure the success of the solutions you propose?.
General directions for submitting assignment:
Use subheadings for each topic following the grading rubric.
The paper should be detailed with evidence.
APA format should be used including a title page, and references. You will lose credit if you do not follow APA format. See the APA documents for how to format the title page
To access the article for the assignment, go to the D’Youville College Library website (click to access). (Links to an external site.)Once there, in Spartan Search:
Type “Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Hegge.”
Click “Full Text.”
Under “Tools” in the right column, click “Article as PDF.”