One of the fundamental techniques to gather research for a paper is the use of an Annotated Bibliography. As a human-computer interaction researcher, finding relevant literature to support a study is also part of preparing an analytical research paper.
IMPORTANT: To support your research journey, read the Levy & Ellis (2006) article on maximizing your research opportunities in Information Systems Research.
There must be five entries with a PROPERLY cited APA citation and a description of the article that is 100-125 words. The attached document has five entries that are already present and add new entries to it other than already existing ones.
An example entry is:
Hyman, J. A. (2015). Developing Instructional Materials and Assessments for Mobile Learning. In International Handbook of E-Learning Volume 1 (pp. 347-358). Routledge
In Hyman (2015), a review of the required elements needed to create instructional materials for an e-learning and m-learning setting is identified. Hyman then proposes a mobile learning framework that focuses on design, environment, activity, and technology to guide the courseware developer in creating user-friendly yet meaningful instruction that is targeted for delivery in the mobile context.