Activity 1- Project Risks

Problem Set #1

#1 Back to basics to start this course:

  1. Define project.
  2. What are the five project process areas – give a short explanation of each.
  3. What are the ten project knowledge areas – give a short explanation of each.
  4. Define Project Risk – list the major processes related to project risk – explain how risk remediation is a part of our every day lives.
  5. How would you define quality in a project?
  6. Why is risk a dynamic variable within a project?
  7. How can a risk be related to a desirable event?


Title: Managing Project Risks 

ISBN: 9781119489733 

Authors: Peter J. Edwards, Paulo Vaz Serra, Michael Edwards 

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 

Publication Date: 2019-08-13

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