Week 7 Discussion


Question 1: “Global versus National Talent Management and the Talent Management Process”  Please respond to the following:

  • Differentiate between talent management for global versus national efforts and how your organization would address the creation of a global effort if one is not already in existence.
  • Go to the Chief Learning Officer’s Website to read the article titled “Learning a Key Piece in Talent Management Process”, and then access “Diving into Learning and Talent Management”. Next, using Google as a company needing a global taxonomy, competencies identified, and certification requirements, develop a rationale for a global taxonomy and certification for three key positions for which Google would likely need to develop talent. Explain why this type of talent development would be necessary and beneficial to Google.


Question 2: E-Learning

  1. Does your organization use e-Learning? What training methods does your organization use? Are your organization’s training methods effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your organization’s training and development methods? What online training and development systems/methods would you recommend? Explain.
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