I need a response to this classmate for my business comm class

6 hours agoBrittany Thorpe RE: Week 10 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

Hello Professor and Fellow Classmates,

1.  Reflecting on your first video in the course, what changes did you make for Assignment 3 to improve your Executive Presence?

  • Compared to Assignment 3, I felt more comfortable in presenting a video presentation, and I feel that alone helped me to feel more relaxed and confident which in my opinion helped improve my executive presence. I also feel that rehearsing and timing myself helped to convey my knowledge on the subject I discussed within my presentation.

2.  What have you learned this term about how you communicate in the workplace?

  • This course has helped me to see that I communicate with a lot of emotion in the workplace however, at times the emotions I give off aren’t always received properly. This has caused me to think in detail about what I’m communicatin,g and the tone in which I’m communicating my thoughts.

3.  In what ways have you improved your communication skills during this term?

–  To answer this question I went over the comments Professor Paulson left on each of my assignments and compared them to the last, and in doing so I could see my growth without the course. From week to week in the beginning of the course, I noticed that Professor Paulson enjoyed my post however, he would remind to rely my message clearly so that my entire audience would understand my point of view. Now I am able to do this, and I am able to do so by questioning my thoughts and using a strength that I already have; looking at the subject matter from all angles. This course has helped me to develop that skill even more and help to improve my communication.

4.  What will you do going forward, to continue to improve your Communication Skills and Executive Presence?

  • When I conclude any course I reflect on the quarter as a whole, and this quarter was rough. The coursework wasn’t difficult to understand however, I found myself not being able to put my all into weekly discussion boards, and assignments the way I would have liked to. This quarter has been an emotional roller coaster with COVID-19, e-learning with my son, working from home, maintaining the household, and now the recent events of the country I have become overwhelmed. I always thought of myself as one that is organized and can handle pretty much anything you threw my way, but the last 10 weeks have tested all of my previous notions of myself. I give that brief summary of current feeling in coming to the end of the quarter to help you understand that in going forward I have no choice to continue to resort back to this courses content and reading materials. Again, not because I didn’t understand the coursework, but because I plan to continually improve on my communication skills and my executive presence with the knowledge I have gained within this course, and from the knowledge I have yet to find within the course material.  


  • Paulson, E. 2020. JWI 505: Business Communications and Executive Presence Discussion Question and Assignment 1 – 2 Feedback
  • JWI 505. 2020. Week 10 Lecture Notes: Executive Presence and Presentation Skills
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