Reverse Logistics Revenue


Seeing reverse logistics as an “untapped revenue stream” is not a new idea, but it is gaining traction. Entrepreneurial initiatives are helping to make it become a profit center.

Module 4: Week 2 Discussion Background Readings

The Cornerstone of the Circular Economy (2020)

Shippers No Longer Reactive When it Comes to Reverse Logistics (2019)

Someone Else Is Making Money on Your Online Returns (2019)

Recovering Lost Profits by Improving Reverse Logistics

Reverse Logistics Market to Reach $603.9 Bn, Globally, by 2025 at 4.6% CAGR: AMR (2019)

Riding the Returns Wave: Reverse Logistics and the U.S. Postal Service (2018) 

This week’s readings provide more background on revenue streams from reverse logistics. Find at least one other recent resource for support. For your post:

  • Explain ways in which companies are benefitting financially from reverse logistics.
  • Based on your research, discuss the top two areas on which companies should focus to maximize revenue from reverse logistics.
  • Using the resource beyond this week’s readings, provide a real-world example of a U.S.-based company that has been successful in this area. (The article should be less than two years old.)

This post should be 2 paragraphs in length (at least 100 words). Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the body of the post and add a reference list in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Assignment-Driven Criteria, Critical Thinking, Writing Mechanics, and Referencing on the grading rubric.

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