Please select one of the following topics, research their current background, analyze the purpose of requirements, and design/implement a new information system including a relational database gathering and justify its role in any development process. Then write the term paper.
- Data Warehousing Systems
- Data Visualization/Virtual Reality Information Systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
- Data Mining Systems
- Decision Support Systems
- Knowledge-Base Information Systems
Including Subjects in the Selected Topic:
- Describe how the database supports the selected topic
- Discuss what the database has a role to implement the selected topic
- Discuss your idea about to improve the current topic in accordance with the database progress
- Draw each component for the database and explain their function related with the topic
- What is the future work for improving your research?
Assignment Instructions:
- No ZIP file
- The submitted assignment must be typed by ONE Single MS Word/PDF file
- At least 15 pages and 5 references
- Use 12-font size and 1.5 lines space
- No more than 4 figures and 3 tables
- Follow APA style and content format: IGU follows the APA(American Psychological Association) for writing style in all its courses which require a Paper or Essay. (Links to an external site.)
Project Construction Format:
You should follow the following content format:
Title: Topic
Name: Logan Lee
ID: 123-45-567
- Introduction
- Background
- Current Issues and Suggest Topics
- Methods, Techniques, and Evaluations
- Future Works
- Summary
- References