Heaps and prority queus In python

You have been provided a Python file, heap.py, which constructs a heap structure with a list. Using that code as a guide:

Develop a heap data structure using a linked structure (Nodes and Pointers)

The heap must support add and remove from the heap

All operations most abide by the rules that govern a heap (see lecture slides for reference)

Once you have your heap structure created, next you must use it as a backing structure to a priority queue.

Develop a priority queue data structure that is backed by a heap (linked structure NOT A LIST)

Implement the normal methods that accompany a priority queue structure

Enqueue, dequeue, and peek by priority not position

Also length and whether or not the structure is empty (is_empty)

Perform the following operations to showcase your working structure

Enqueue the following items: 4, 7, 5, 11, 8, 6, 9

Dequeue 3 items by priority, they should be 4, 5, & 6.

related heap.py file code is below

class Heap:

    def __init__(self):

        self.heap = [0]

        self.size = 0

    def float(self, k):

        while k // 2 > 0:

            if self.heap[k] < self.heap[k//2]:

                self.heap[k], self.heap[k//2] = self.heap[k//2], self.heap[k]

            k //= 2

    def insert(self, item):


        self.size += 1


    def sink(self, k):

        while k * 2 <= self.size:

            mc = self.minchild(k)

            if self.heap[k] > self.heap[mc]:

                self.heap[k], self.heap[mc] = self.heap[mc], self.heap[k]

            k = mc

    def minchild(self, k):

        if k * 2 + 1 > self.size:

            return k * 2

        elif self.heap[k*2] < self.heap[k*2+1]:

            return k * 2


            return k * 2 + 1

    def pop(self):

        item = self.heap[1]

        self.heap[1] = self.heap[self.size]

        self.size -= 1



        return item

h = Heap()

for i in (4, 8, 7, 2, 9, 10, 5, 1, 3, 6):



for i in range(10):

    n = h.pop()



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