the time complexity of algorithms.


Researchers from the School of BioSciences have requested our help with one of their

experiments. They are performing behavioural experiments with zebrafish. At any one instance in

time there are a large number of zebrafish in the aquarium. For their particular experiment, the

biologist take a snapshot of the aquarium and then need to find the longest series of zebrafish such

the length of each fish along the horizontal direction in the aquarium is increasing. They also need

to know the number of zebra fish in this series.

For example, the snapshot of the aquarium resulted in fish lengths of [2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 1, 12, 4, 15, 14, 6, 16].

One possible longest series of increasing lengths in this case is [2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16] with 7 zebrafish.

We say one possible longest series of increasing lengths here because it is not necessarily unique.

For example, the length 14 in the output could be replaced with 15: [2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16] and also

be valid.

In this question you will consider algorithms for finding the longest series of increasing lengths

via the function LongestIncreasingLengths(A[0, · · · , n − 1]), as well as the size of this output


(a) [1+2+1 = 4 Marks] Consider a recursive algorithm:

i [1 Mark]Write down a recurrence relation for the function LongestIncreasingLengths.

ii [2 Marks] Using this recurrence relation, write a recursive algorithm in pseudocode for

LongestIncreasingLengths that only calculates the array size of the longest series of

increasing lengths. You do not need to output the actual array containing the longest

series of increasing lengths in this part of the question. For the example above with input

A = [2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 1, 12, 4, 15, 14, 6, 16], the output should just be 7. The pseudocode should

be about 10 lines of code.

iii [1 Mark] What is the time complexity of this recursive algorithm? Justify your answer.

(b) [5+1+1 = 7 Marks]

i [5 Marks] Building on from your recursive algorithm in part (a), write down a dynamic

programming implementation in pseudocode for the function

LongestIncreasingLengths(A[0, · · · , n − 1]) to find the longest series of increasing

lengths. This should also output the size of the longest series of increasing lengths. The

pseudocode should be about 20 lines of code.

ii [1 Mark] Explain how the recurrence relation used for your dynamic programming imple-

mentation involves overlapping instances.

iii [1 Mark] What is the time complexity of your algorithm and how much auxiliary space

was required. Justify your answer.

(c) [1+2 = 3 Marks] The time complexity of the recursive algorithm for LongestIncreasingLengths

was exponential, while the dynamic programming algorithm lead to a polynomial

time complexity (note, you need to determine that polynomial above). Here we will investigate

an algorithm for the function LongestIncreasingLengths that has a time complexity of

O(n log n).

Consider building a set of arrays for the input array A[0, · · · , n − 1]. As we scan along A, we

will compare A[i] with the final element in each array in this set. This comparison will satisfy

the following conditions:

(1) If A[i] is smaller than the final element in each array, start a new array of size 1 with A[i].

(2) If A[i] is larger than the final element in each array, copy the longest array and append

A[i] to this new array.

(3) If A[i] is in between, find the array with the final element that is greater than A[i] and

replace that element with A[i].

i [1 Mark] Write down the set of arrays that satisfy these rules for the input array

A = [0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15].

ii [2 Marks] Building from these conditions, explain how an algorithm for the function

LongestIncreasingLengths could run with time complexity O(n log n). You may make

use any algorithm introduced in the lectures to help you with your explanation. Note: you

do not have to write this algorithm in pseudocode. We are expecting that you write a short

paragraph or a short list of bullet points describing the important steps of the algorithm

to explain the time complexity.

Hint: what if you only consider the final elements of this set of arrays as a single array?

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