Assignment 1:
What is the relationship between Naïve Bayes and Bayesian networks? What is the process of developing a Bayesian networks model?
Refer to Chapter 5 in the attached textbook:
Sharda, R., Delen, D., Turban, E. (2020). Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support 11E. ISBN: 978-0-13-519201-6.
****Separate document for each assignment.****
Minimum 300-350 words. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references does not count.
Add references separately for each assignment question.
Strictly follow APA 7th Edition Format
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Assignment 2:
List and briefly describe the nine-step process in conducting a neural network project.
Refer to Chapter 6 in the attached textbook:
Sharda, R., Delen, D., Turban, E. (2020). Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support 11E. ISBN: 978-0-13-519201-6.
****Separate document for each assignment.****
Minimum 300-350 words. Cover sheet, abstract, graphs, and references does not count.
Add references separately for each assignment question.
Strictly follow APA 7th Edition Format
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$5 max. Please bid if you agree.