In the meeting with your executives, your CEO announced that you would need to
prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your department achievements for the last quarter
and present it in front of the hospital’s board of trustees who will be visiting your hospital
by the end of the month.
Based on that information, your IT Director asked you to prepare a 12-15-page
PowerPoint presentation which will take a fifteen-minute time slot where you discuss the
• As you have opted for Windows-based computers, what are the significant
differences between a Mac and a Windows-based computer?
• What are the main differences between the leading operating systems: Windows,
Mac OS, and Linux?
• What are the measures that you are taking to keep computers safe and to avoid
health hazards from computer use?
• Is the hospital safe and immune from online annoyances such as spam and
adware? How can you further secure your system from malware?
• The advantages of your recent implementation of VoIP?
• Describe the improvements you have implemented in the hospital’s customer
relationship management (CRM) and how are you managing your relationship
with your vendors.
• Discuss whether the adoption of a medical expert system could be beneficial to
the doctors at your Hospital.
• Describe how social media can be effectively used as part of the hospital’s web
strategies and improve its position in the market?
• This assignment is a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 12-15 slides, using
APA formatting and citations.
• Include four references.
• Record voice narration and include closed captioning or script saved to the notes
in PowerPoint.
o For instructions to add narration to a slideshow: https://support.office.com/enus/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40aeb1e7-e47d8741161c#OfficeVersion=Office_365