Python Question



For each function, describe what it actually does when called with a string argument. If it does not correctly check for lowercase letters, give an example argument that produces incorrect results, and describe why the result is incorrect.

# 1

def any_lowercase1(s):
     for c in s:
          if c.islower():
               return True
               return False

# 2

def any_lowercase2(s):
     for c in s:
          if ‘c’.islower():
               return ‘True’
               return ‘False’

# 3

def any_lowercase3(s):
     for c in s:
          flag = c.islower()
     return flag

# 4

def any_lowercase4(s):
     flag = False
     for c in s:
          flag = flag or c.islower()
     return flag

# 5

def any_lowercase5(s):
     for c in s:
          if not c.islower():
               return False
     return True


Give at least three examples that show different features of string slices. Describe the feature illustrated by each example. Invent your own examples. Do not copy them for the textbook or any other source

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