Load the data file Crowdfunding_data_1000_projects.xlsx Download Crowdfunding_data_1000_projects.xlsxin a Pandas data-frame. Perform 70:30 split with 70% of records (rows) as train and rest 30 % of records as test using following three techniques:
1. Use Pandas functions head() and tail(), and create two data-frames with top 70 % records in the first data-frame, and remaining 30% records in the second data-frame (2 points).
2. Use Pandas functions sample() and drop(), and create two data-frames with random 70% of records in the first data-frame and remaining 30% of records in the second data-frame (4 points).
3. Use Scikit-learn package and create two data-frames with random 70% of records in the train data-frame and remaining 30% of records in test data-frame (4 points).
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