1- This is for the week 3:
# This is the flower box and it should be at the beginning of each assignment
# You must add comments to your code
# Program Name: Wk3_firstname_lastname.py
# Student Name: Your name
# Course: ENTD220
# Instructor: My Instructor
# Date: The date of the program written
# Description: This code will …..
# Copy Wrong: This is my work
You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following:-
1) Create a function for each math operation (add, div, mult, sub)
2) The application will run forever, you will ask the user to continue or not.3) create a function IsinRange() to test a value between two ranges like this;Here is the spec in pseudocodeIsInRange(lr, hr, n) lr=low rangehr=high rangen=numberif n between ln and hnreturn trueelsereturn false
Hints 1) For practice please see lab exercises in the lesson section
2) See Sample output for messagesSample output
Enter your Lower range —> 10
Enter your Higher range —> 20
Enter your First number —> 15
Enter your Second number —> 17
The Result of 15.0+17.0=32.0
The Result of 15.0-17.0=-2.0
The Result of 15.0*17.0=255.0
The Result of 15.0/17.0=0.882352941176
Continue Looping Y/N Y
Enter your Lower range —> 20
Enter your Higher range —> 30
Enter your First number —> 25
Enter your Second number —> 50
The input values are outside the input ranges
Please check the numbers and try again
Thanks for using our calculator
2- Now this is for the week 4:
# This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment
# You must add comments to your code
# Program Name: Wk4_firstname_lastname.py
# Student Name: your name
# Course: ENTD220
# Instructor: My instructor
# Date: The date of the program written
# Copy Wrong: This is my work
You are going to enhance the prior assignment by implementing exceptions
***** You need to tell me where you implemented the exception and why. *****Show me 2 test cases that will trap the errors. Your code needs to implement two separate try-except blocks for the appropriate area of the code. This means you cannot wrap your entire code with try-except blocks.