


Project Description:

Innovations Game Studio has locations in Portland, Seattle, and Salt Lake City. Each location has game-development teams to produce video games for various consoles. You will use text functions to format the list and copy records of programmers in one location. In addition, you will insert database functions to calculate summary statistics and create a lookup area to look up an employee’s ID to retrieve that person’s name, job title, and salary.


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch11_ML2_GameStudio.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


You want to combine the first,   middle, and last names into one cell for each person.

  Display the Salary Data worksheet. In cell E2, insert the TEXTJOIN function   to join the range
  B2:D2, using a space delimiter and ignoring blank cells. Copy the function to   the range E3:E49.


Column F contains job titles and   departments. You want to separate the data into two columns.

  Select the range F2:F49 and convert text to columns using the comma delimiter   to separate
  the department names from the job titles. Click OK when prompted with There’s already data
here. Do you want to replace it?


You want to display just the   city names in column I by nesting a LEN function within a LEFT function.

  In cell I2, insert a LEN function that identifies the number of characters in   cell H2. Edit the function by subtracting 4 after the closing parenthesis.   The result subtracts the two-letter state abbreviation, space, and comma,   leaving the number of characters in the city. Edit the cell contents to nest   the LEN function as the num_chars argument for a LEFT function. Use cell H2   as the text argument. The nested function result should display the city name   only. Copy the function to the range I3:I49.


The state abbreviations should   be formatted in uppercase letters.

  In cell J2, insert an UPPER function that nests the RIGHT function with cell   H2 as the text function and the correct number of characters to extract just   the state abbreviation. Copy the function to the range J3:J49.


You want to create a criteria   range to enter data to filter the dataset based on conditions.

  Create a criteria range by copying the range A1:K1 and pasting it in cell   A51. Create conditions
  using Programming   as the   department and Salt Lake City as the city in the respective cells on row 52.


You are ready to create the   output range and perform the advanced filter.

  Create an output range by copying the range A51:K51 to cell A54. Perform the   advanced filter by copying data to the output range. Use the appropriate   ranges for list range, criteria range, and output range.


Hide columns B, C, D, and H in   the Salary Data worksheet. 


Change the width of column F to 21.


You are now ready to insert   database functions on the Information sheet.

  In cell B2, insert the appropriate database function to calculate the total   salary for programmers in Salt Lake City. Use the range A$1:K$49 in the   Salary Data worksheet for the database, Salary for the field, and the criteria range.


In cell B3, insert the   appropriate database function to calculate the average salary for programmers   in
  Salt Lake City.


In cell B4, insert the   appropriate database function to identify the highest salary for programmers   in Salt
  Lake City.


In cell B5, insert the   appropriate database function to identify the lowest salary for programmers   in Salt Lake


In cell B6, insert the   appropriate database function to count the number of programmers in Salt Lake   City.


You are ready to format the   values.

  Format the range B2:B5 with Accounting Number Format with zero decimal   places.


Format cell B6 with Comma Style   with zero decimal places.


You want to combine text using   the CONCAT function.

  In cell B1, insert a CONCAT function that concatenates the text in ‘Salary   Data’!F52 and ‘Salary Data’!I52 separated by a space, the word in, and another space. The result   should look like this: Programming in Salt Lake City.


Before using an INDEX function,   you want to use the MATCH function to identify the position of an ID.

  In cell E3, insert the MATCH function to identify the position of the ID   stored in cell E2. Use the range A2:A49 in the Salary Data worksheet for the   lookup_array argument and look for exact matches only.


In cell E4, insert the INDEX   function with Salary Data!A$2:K$49 as   the array, E$3 that contains the MATCH function as the row number, and 4 as the column number to   retrieve the last name corresponding to the ID in cell E3.


Copy the INDEX function to the   range E5:E6. Edit the function in cell E5 by changing 4 to 7. Edit the function in cell E6 by changing 4 to 11. Format cell E6 with Accounting Number Format with zero decimal   places. Change the ID in cell E2 to 17604 to test the results of the MATCH and INDEX   functions.


In cell H2, insert the function   to display the formula that is stored in cell B2.


In cell H3, insert the function   to display the formula that is stored in cell E3. Copy the function to cell   H4.


In cell H5, insert the function   to display the formula that is stored in cell B5. Copy the function to cell   H6.


Use the Home tab to change the   width for column H to 57.


Create a footer with your name   on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file
  name code on the right side on all sheets.


Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch11_ML2_GameStudio.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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