5 different papers —- Easy Own Words, APA format and citations. Please take care of Plegerism


1)    Wireless Topology Paper: Wireless communication, generally, useless three configuration topologies (1) point to point; (2) point to multipoint;  and (3) multi-point to point.  In this paper, (a) define each topology,  (b) provide a scenario for using each topology, and (c) identify at  least one disadvantage of using each topology.

Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA  7th ed. formatting and contain a title page, 3 to 5 pages of content,  and a minimum of three peer-reviewed references

2)     WAN Technologies Paper: Research Point-to-Point (dedicated), Packet  Switched, and Circuit Switched WAN protocols/circuits/types. Define each  protocol and describe at least two data transmission technologies  associated with the protocol.  Include the bandwidth limitations of each  technology and protocol.

Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 7th ed. formatting and contain a title page, 3  to 5 pages of content, and a minimum of three peer-reviewed  references. 

Assignment Resources:

3)    Network Security Paper:  In this paper, you will define the security strategies of Defense in  Depth and Layered Security along with comparing and contrasting the  strategies by explaining, at least, two advantages and disadvantages of  implementing each security strategy. Support your information and make  sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 7th ed. formatting and contain a title page, 3  to 5 pages of content, and a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references.

Assignment Resource(s):


Network Management Paper: In this paper, you will research and report  on network management tools associated with (1) policy compliance, (2)  bandwidth management, and (3) asset management. Compare and contrast, at  least, one tool for each of the three network management areas. What is  the best tool for each area? Can one tool be used for managing more  than one area? Why or why not? Support your information and make sure  all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 7th ed. formatting and contain a title page, 3  to 5 pages of content, and a minimum of three peer-reviewed  references. 

5)     Networking Trends  Paper:  In this paper, you will research and report on network design  and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2)  in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management  tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, at least,  three areas and explain the general trend and trends within two subsets  of the area (i.e., security has subsets of physical, perimeter,  monitoring) over the last three years. Use at least one figure from  Google Trends showing a trend discussed in your paper. Support your  information and make sure all information sources are appropriately  cited.

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a  title page, 5 to 7 pages of content,and a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed  references.  

Assignment Resource(s):

****While submitting includes question numbers in given file name, it should five different files****

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