Analyzing the Logic of an Article – Popular Journal Article

  1. Read The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools.
  2. Read chapters 6–14 (pp. 27–55) in Everybody Writes.
  3. Locate a popular article (neither an academic article, nor an industry/trade journal article) suitable for your ADP research focus or a business-related topic that is of interest to you.
  4. Complete the template in its entirety, answering each question fully.
    1. Place the complete APA reference at the top of the first page.
    2. Include your full name in the header of the template. No cover page is needed when placing your name in the header.
  5. Refer the attached Scholarly or Academic Journal Articles(PDF document) document.
  6. Refer the attached  Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article(Word document).

For this assignment, you will locate and download a popular journal article to analyze the author’s use of logic.


Evaluating information sources. (n.d.). What is a popular source? The University of British Columbia. tab)

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