first job
• Set up an HTML page using the basic page elements.
• Be able to use HTML5 semantic elements to structure a web page.
• Properly use images, lists, headings and semantic elements.
• Successfully use CSS to style and modify the appearance of page and the elements
contained within.
Basic Requirements
• Properly use and indent all tags.
• Set up page with ,
Assignment Details
Using the skills you have gained in this course, create a homepage for yourself. This
homepage will be a space for you to talk about yourself, your education, work
experience and goals. Include:
• Name
• Degree
• Skills
• Picture
• Work experience (1 or 2 is fine)
Submit your assignment
1. Combine all work files into a zip folder (include all HTML, CSS, font, and image files).
Keep the file structure the same as it was when you were working on the
2. Submit the zip folder via desire2learn in the appropriate Assignment folder in order
to receive credit. While you may also submit screenshots, you are required to
submit the actual code files, not just screenshots of the code.
second job project
• Comprehensive review of the HTML, CSS and Javascript skills learned this semester.
Basic Requirements
• Properly use and indent all tags.
• Set up page with ,
• The page should contain your name in the